Saturday, March 16, 2024

Backing away from Zionism?


The Alliance for Workers´ Liberty (AWL) used to be the hardest Zionists on the left. And the only ones? While for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, they did strongly defend Israel´s right to exist. Arms in hand, if necessary, as when the AWL (then called Socialist Organiser) defended the Jewish state against Saddam Hussein´s rockets during the Gulf War. Also, the AWL in general tried to promote themselves as hard-nosed realists rather than utopians or purveyors of abstract sloganeering.

Look at them now.

The AWL sounds like confused neophyte peaceniks. The brutality of the Gaza War is apparently too much for them. In effect, they are backing away from Zionism and hard-nosed realism in favor of…well, abstract sloganeering. At this stage, a two-state solution is political theology, not Realpolitik. You might as well demand a workers´ government...on the Moon.

Or perhaps not *so* abstract. After all, the hostages could be released tomorrow…if Israel releases all Hamas prisoners, backs down and permits the world community to rebuild Gaza (with no blockade). In other words, if Israel surrenders and gives Hamas all they want. This makes AWL´s slogans “Ceasefire, end siege, free hostages, reconstruct Gaza” potentially or objectively pro-Hamas. Indeed, they don´t condition their reconstruction demand on Hamas being removed from power! Instead, AWL has published a declaration by an Israeli who is refusing to serve in the military…

It´s not clear at all how a Hamas-led administration, restored to power and bolstered by international aid, will feel more motivated to recognize Israel´s right to exist in return for a Palestinian state on the West Bank and Gaza? Or even bow to the Palestinian Authority?  Add to that the reactions from Iran, Hizbollah and the Houthi. Or every tinpot anti-Semite in your backyard. The whole thing again devolves into political theology.

The AWL wants Israel to reward the 10/7 terrorist attack and pogrom in return for something that has never happened before: Palestinian acceptance of a two-state solution. That is, Palestinian acceptance of a large Zionist entity. Max Shachtman is turning in his grave.   

Refusing in the name of hope

Let Gaza live! Peace! Two states!

Ceasefire, end siege, free hostages, reconstruct Gaza


  1. AWL kanske inte stod ut med tanken på att ytterligare 10.000 palestinska barn ska dödas i Gaza. Men det gör tydligen Cannons arvtagare i SWP/USA. "Max Shachtman is turning in his grave." Eventuellt, men det är väl inget mot vad Cannon skulle ha gjort om han fick läsa senaste årgången av The Militant.

    Erik R

  2. PS. Varför skulle Schachtman vända sig i sin grav? För att hans efterföljare inte tycker att Israel ska krossa Hamas? Men hans utbrytargrupp från SWP ansåg ju under andra värdlskriget att USA inte borde kämpa mot Hitler. Deras huvudsakliga kampanj 1940-41 var ju att USA inte skulle gå in i kriget, och dessutom att USA inte ens skulle ge militärt stöd till England i dess kamp mot Nazi-Tyskland. SWP definierade dessa år WP aom "a semi-pacifist sect".

  3. PPS. Kravet på vapenvila i Gaza är ju ganska självklart. Om kriget fortsätter kommer troligen minst 50 procent (troligen mycket mer) av Gazas befolkning att dö. Om inte av bomber så av svält.
