Monday, March 18, 2024



Wtf. Has the IMT decided to give up on entryism and become, gulp, another small sect at the outskirts of the organized labor movement? Ted Grant must be turning in his tomb! 

The Communist, Towards the Revolutionary Communist Party


  1. Är RKP alltså IMT:s svenska sektion? Den var svår att gissa i så fall...

  2. Jag trodde att det rörde sig om en särpräglad utbrytning från Arbetarmakt.

  3. Och det var först efter att ha studerat deras sajt under politiskt mikroskop. Trodde först att de var maoister...

  4. From their Manifesto:

    "Lenin laid stress on the need for communists to fight on all fronts – not just the economic and political front, but also the ideological front. We stand firmly on the solid foundation of Marxist theory and the philosophy of dialectical materialism.

    This stands in complete contradiction with philosophical idealism in all its forms: whether the open, undisguised mysticism of religion, or the cynical, disguised, and no-less-poisonous mysticism of postmodernism.

    The struggle against this alien class ideology and its petty-bourgeois advocates therefore constitutes a very important task. No concessions must be made to divisive and counterrevolutionary ideas, which play into the hands of the bosses and their age-old tactic: divide and rule."


  5. "The open, undisguised mysticism of religion". As opposed to what exactly? The political alchemy of Marxism?

  6. "But the prior condition for joining the communists is that you leave all the reactionary nonsense of identity politics outside the door."

    Good luck with that one!

  7. More from the Manifesto:

    >>>The change is most clearly expressed in the trend towards communist ideas among the youth. These young people call themselves communists, although many have never read the Communist Manifesto and have no knowledge of scientific socialism.

    >>>But the betrayals of the Left have made the very word ‘socialism’ stink in their nostrils. It does not resonate any more with the best people. They say: “We want communism. Only that and nothing less than that.”

    Sheer fantasy, of course.

  8. "This will be seen by some as sectarianism. But it is nothing of the sort. We have absolutely nothing in common with the ultra-left and sectarian grouplets who strut around like ridiculous peacocks on the fringes of the labour movement."

    HA HA HA

  9. If the "sects" (some of which are numerically stronger, I think, than the IMT) are "ridiculous peacock", then what is the IMT? A moorhen?

  10. OK, so judging by the Manifesto, this is really a tactical turn towards a percieved crisis within the "official" Communist Parties. Hence the sudden change of label, from "socialist" and "Marxist" to "communist". So now we know. Aaaaaaand goodbye!
