Thursday, March 28, 2024

Burlesqueing feminism


I often wondered whether feminists really are low IQ. How can they support stuff like this? Don´t they understand that they are being burlesqued by the Patriarchy? Many such cases...

Women´s soccer team with five trans players wins tournament


  1. Let's see the trans men's team play a straight men's team! Then maybe the score will be settled...really though, it's ridiculous. I'm on the side of natal biology. I may not be the strongest or most physically fit dude on the block at 70+ years. Imagine a team of septuagenarians playing against a bunch of twenty somethings. Is that an equal match?

  2. Yes, that´s why there are different weight classes in some sports. Also, doping (including with male hormones) is prohibited. (East Germany is said to have turned some of their female athletes into hormonal "males"!) The solution for trans-women athletes is either for the male leagues to change their rules, or to have mixed themes. There is a reason why most sports are "segregated" based on biological sex...
