Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Laughter of Wolves


Well, I´m not sure if I entirely agree, but read it anyway. That is, JMG´s weekly essay. And yes, he noticed the Chernobyl wolves...

The Laughter of Wolves


  1. Good essay! And since when did you entirely agree with anything! ;-}

    Of course the "intellectuals" of the World Economic Forum are out for themselves and their attempt at world standardization is worse than a nightmare. Want to stabilize world economies? Limit the amount of income one person/corporation can hold and distribute the overflow to the least prosperous...everybody equal in needs being met, what's to War about? But money and possessions are the only things to start warring over, unless women are possessions too!

    Humans are clever, and incompetent at the same time.
    I think JMG's point is well taken, it's too vast an enigma for us to figure out. We might as well find things to enjoy while we're here
    and try not to shoot ourselves in the foot while doing so...

    I did read (most of) Harari's book Sapiens, which had it's moments. I'd rather recommend the Origin of the Sacred: Ecstasies of Love and War by Dudley Young. Awhile ago I wanted to know where the concept of *Sacredness* comes from. Still do...

    1. I meant - are not - the only things to War over.
