Thursday, August 18, 2022

Winter is coming

In the essay linked below, John Michael Greer argues that the pandemic and its fallout might be "the straw before the last straw" that breaks the back of the current system. 

Maybe, maybe not. 

Unless I misremember, a certain Joe Biden won the POTUS elections in 2020, the US midterm election polls are tightening (i.e. are to the detriment of the GOP), and I don´t see any food riots, baby formula riots, or wildcat strikes. In fact, I don´t see or hear much questioning of the official COVID narrative either. People act as if the pandemic never happened. That being said, I might simply be overcautious. The "Revolution" has a strange way of always delaying itself... 

There are people in the alternative milieu who warn that the Winter (2022-2023) will be that last straw, with millions dying of disease, freezing temperature, famine, or what not. 

But here is an idea: what if the governments simply ditch the "green" energy programs, and go all in with coal, while refraining from further lockdowns of the economy even if COVID makes a comeback? Then, the darn system might survive...again. (Take the L in Ukraine might "help", too.) 

Until the next winter, I suppose. 

The Great Rehash, Part Three: Unsafe and Ineffective

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