Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Truth Asocial

Overheard on Twitter: "What if Flat Earth is a PSYOP to distract from Hollow Earth?"

Original tweet


  1. Somebody responded by tweeting "What if Hollow Earth is a PSYOP to distract from the fact that you’re wasting your life?".

  2. Ive seen some good argument for flat earthisn being in some parts sponsored by various suspect state actors to make anti establishment people in general seem ridicicolous.
    Unfortunatley i dont think its to distract from The "fact" that earth is hollow.
    I want to believe earth is hollow but i cant.That being said, some of The holliw earthers and even some of The flat earthers point out some intresting anomalies that science have yet to explain.

  3. There are similar question marks concerning Q, the "source" for QAnon. When chemtrails were all the rage, many accounts made obviously ridiculous claims about planes being "cloaked UFOs" or insects being "alien robots". It´s difficult to know how much is genuine paranoia, how much is non-state trolling by jolly skeptics, and how much might be some kind of psy op. I suspect the claim that UFOs are aliens (rather than military craft from planet Earth) have been promoted (though perhaps not invented) by the US military spook community...
