Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Say what?


Some rando on YouTube who claims that ADD, ADHD and depression (sic) don´t really exist. For discussion purposes only... 


  1. I know a few examples of kids with very dubious ADHD-diagnoses but also a couple of examples where The medication was an almost miracolus improvement in their lifes. So much that it would be pure evil to remove their medication.
    But im also very sceptic of big pharma and belive that they push for overdiagnosng. One of the most common ADHD-medications is "Braught to you by Pfizer".

  2. Not an expert, but suspect something similar. That is, real problems exploited for profit. And then there is an overreaction in the other direction with conspiracy theories about the problem itself being "fake". Gender dysphoria is also real, but has been overexploited too, but now with the argument that it´s not a problem at all!
