Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Monster of the Week (1): Dinos on a raft

Aren't we all sick and tired of Murican politics by now? LOL.

So I decided to link to some crazy science news instead. First out is the "rafting hadrosaurian" which managed to reach Africa from the ancient super-continent of Laurasia.

The fossil of a duckbill dinosaur has been found on the "wrong" continent

A group of creationists are already unhappy with this new scientific discovery.

Dinos on a raft? Naah, God did it

Presumably, the author believes that the sons of Ham took a baby dinosaur on a raft during their exploration of Africa Proconsularis. Unless God simply created an African hadrosaurian in situ, which (admittedly) would be exactly the kind of weird shit you expect from that guy...

Seriously though, I'm not a materialist, but yes, I do think we all evolved from cosmic slime. I mean, isn't that obvious? 

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