Sunday, March 10, 2024

Why do left wing people like ugly things?


Quite the question. Well, it *is* strange that the leftoid activists only ever slash classical art. If they would destroy modern art of a certain vintage and provenance, I might consider cutting my fossil fuel consumption just a tiny bit. But naaah, they simply have to go after "Mona Lisa", und so weiter.

Besides, the nutty professor (who has rescued his very own purple wig from oblivion) is surely wrong when he calls these people "leftists". I mean, everyone knows that Communists (the real, original ones) really loved the Neo-Classicist aesthetics. I mean, it looked almost fashie: working-class gods with bulging muscles and huge sledge-hammers building the new society under a sky filled with sputniks. All in polished white marble!

No, this is the decadence of the petit bourgeoisie.  


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