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The Communist Party of Britain (CPB), which publishes the Morning Star, has come out against transgenderism. The link below goes to a comment from the ex-Communist Spiked magazine.
Best paragraph:
>>>The CPB has thrown down the gauntlet to the post-class bourgeois left, the left that gets more excited about the right of men to piss in women’s toilets than it does about the right of millions of working-class voters to remove Britain from the clutches of that ultimate capitalist club, the European Union.
>>>It is forcing these LINOs (leftists in name only) to ask why they so often find themselves on the same side of the barricades as the neoliberal elites. Why they fly the same flag – that eyesore trans Pride flag – that every bank and hedge fund flies. Why they are as one with "big business" when it comes to the importance of using people’s preferred pronouns. Why they are in full agreement with the armed wing of the state – the police, the army, the prison service – that a person with a dick can be a woman if he wants.
>>>The middle-class graduate left with their well-thumbed bell hooks books and their selfies at Marx’s grave can make fun of the CPB as much as they like, but at some point they’re going to have to answer the question it has raised: if transgenderism is progressive, why do the ruthless owners of the means of production love it so?
Why capitalism loves transgenderism
CPB motsvarar närmast svenska SKP (f.d. APK).