Monday, September 5, 2022

Come and meet Reality


Who is the true god? Or should we say the true face of Reality? 

As usual, I vacillate between the gods depicted above. 

One of them is only known from a obscure sectarian revelation with a highly idiosyncratic worldview. The other has been worshipped since at least the Mesolithic, and doesn´t need a revelation to be known, since the world around us reveals him at every moment... 

Tuff one! 


  1. Or perhaps the problem here is that I contrast a "modern" vision of Jesus (Baby Jesus meek and mild, or Liberal Jesus who saves everyone, including trans-people) with a supposedly ancient view of God as capricious, crazy, the source of both "good" and evil...

    Well, yes, the world looks like the latter.

    But Christianity wasn´t very "nice" either during most of its history...

  2. Substitute "Her" for "Him" if you like your goddesses dark and ferocious!
