Sunday, September 25, 2022

Yes, it´s a crusade

It´s official now.  

Patriarch Kirill says Russian soldiers killed in the war will have "their sins washed away"


  1. Maybe Pope Francis could make a bold statement from Rome in response? Or maybe not, since some Orthodox Churches (including the one in Ukraine!) are presumably on our side...

  2. Does the Alt Right still believe that a Trad Pope (a Nigerian one, presumably) would be pro-Russian and pro-ChiCom? Asking for a friend named Kirill.

  3. We should have nuked Moscow while we had the chance.

  4. So Moscow wants to become the Third Rome, still. Where is the "raskol" when you finally need it?

  5. Kirill is obviously the Anti-Christ. RT if you agree.

  6. Kirill is to Putin what Saruman was to Sauron.

  7. Jösses. Som när Katarerna skulle utrotas. Då ingick även förlåtelse för alla synder i anslutning till fälttåget.

  8. Is there a new Lenin we can send to the Finland station?

  9. Hugge,

    Ja, det stämmer. Katolska kyrkan menade att alla som deltog i korståg fick avlat, och jag antar att de som dödades i strid fick alla synder förlåtna. Det var annars något man sade om martyrer. Men martyrerna var ju fredliga. Det kan man inte säga om korsfararna...

    Är iofs inte expert på det finstilta i katolsk eller ortodox teologi, men Kirills uttalande låter inte särskilt trevligt.
