Monday, December 21, 2020

Why hasn't Trump been arrested?

Before the elections, we were told by the Democrats that Trump is an evil Nazi and Russian kompromat asset who will steal the elections by force, and that the 2020 elections were therefore the most important ones in American history...

Well, the Democrats won. So why hasn't the Donald been arrested yet? I mean, he is still president, you know! It's almost as if, I don't know, the Dems were exaggerating just a little bit for propagandistic effect...

Think about it. This must be the first time in world history that an impending Nazi Machtübernahme could be stopped by mail-in voting during a pandemic lock down. American exceptionalism indeed!

Somehow, I find that difficult to believe. Even apart from the fact that no Trumpista stormtroopers were stomping through the Black inner cities on election day, physically stopping citizens from voting...

Yes, there is a tug-of-war between Trump and Biden's handlers over the election results. It started already in 2016. Is it a harbinger of worse things to come? Probably. But as of now, the power struggle is still fought on the terrain of "bourgeois democracy" (the constricted US form of it).

And judging by those election results, the Proud Bois would have been in the wrong hood anyway. Biden's strongest support is in...affluent White suburbs. 


  1. Men före valet 2016 sa Trump till och med i en av debatterna med Hillary Clinton att hon skulle arresteras efter valet. Båda sidorna verkar i så fall överdriva. Eller också har båda rätt om den andre och vågar inte gå till handling för de är rädda vad motsidan i så fall skulle göra.

  2. Det stämmer. Vill vi ens veta svaret på frågan?
