Thursday, December 31, 2020

Good riddance, 2020


I think it was Time magazine which recently said that 2020 is the "worst year ever". The chutzpah of the establishment is boundless. Last time I looked, it was *they* who made 2020 the "worst year ever" by deliberately crashing the economy, transferring billions from workers and small businesses to banks and giant corporations, calling out their stormtroopers to burn down about a dozen American cities, and with outmost probability rigging the elections when the people turned against them... 

And that´s just one country!

Add to that all the structural problems of "the system", sharply revealed by the corona pandemic. 

But sure, after sitting indoors almost an entire year watching the world burn, I´m willing to say "RIP, 2020". Besides, everyone knows the worst year ever was 536 AD! 


  1. Dont sit indoors. Go outside and enjoy the absence of all covidiots sitting home. I really like this blog. Good balance between long and serious posts and funny as hell posts. Occasionally both in the same post. But why are you alternating between swedish and english so much? Whatever, happy new year!

  2. Thank you!

    I really don´t know why I alternate so much, det mest bara blir så...

