Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Israel Only Full of It Preterists?

There are strange religions. And then there are *really* strange religions. And then there's Israel Only Full Preterism (IO)...

I mentioned this peculiar current before. They believe that Jesus only came to save the Jews (as in literal blood descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). The "Gentile mission" was about finding the lost tribes of Israel. When all righteous Jews had been saved, the Temple was destroyed in AD 70. Since that time *nobody* can or will be saved. God and Jesus have abandoned Earth and humanity, perhaps the entire universe? This is a *very* weird take, and it's hardly surprising that some IO proponents have become atheists!

Atheist gadfly extraordinaire Richard Carrier recently posted an extensive critique of IO (see link below). It was apparently "ordered" by a web-based atheist group. Perhaps they wanted to investigate if IO really does contain arguments that can profitably be used by atheists. Not so, says Carrier. IO are just a bunch of cranks. None of their arguments hold up to closer scrutiny.

For instance, while it's true that the earliest Christians did see Jesus as an exclusively Jewish savior, anyone could join Judaism (it was a missionary religion at the time), so salvation was in *that* sense for everyone, not just for "ethnic" Jews. Paul of course went further, de-Judaizing what was originally a Jewish sect.

What makes IO so strange is that they de facto combine a kind of alt-fundamentalist reading of the Scriptures with something that sounds almost like misotheism. Carrier says relatively little about this aspect of the group, but it's surely the most interesting one. Why would anyone want to join *this* group, rather than, say, a strongly Judaizing Adventist Church?

With that, I leave you in the hands of Carrier... 

The Incompetent Crankery of the Israel Only Movement


  1. Eftersom ingen kan frälsas även om hen går med i denna grupp så verkar det ju lite poänglöst. Även om man benhårt stöder dem gruppens lära vinner man ju ingenting efter döden om man går med. Det mest logiska är väl i så fall att bli "satanist" i Anatole Frances mening - dvs någon som hoppas på att en upprorisk motkraft ska störta Gud.

  2. Precis. Om man inte helt enkelt blir ateist, så måste man bli anti-Gud. Kanske rentav anti-semit, av avundsjuka på judarna som blev frälsta av Jesus för 2000 år sedan...

  3. Men rimligen endast avundsjuk på redan döda judar. De nuvarande blir ju lika lite frälsta som någon annan.

  4. Har kollat lite mer på IO. Åtminstone en av deras förespråkare på YouTube säger att hela Bibeln är en myt, men att han är lika glad för det! Eller rentav mår bättre som ateist. Världen är inte förbannad, alla är inte syndare, etc.

    Nå, det låter ju bättre än att hoppa i sjön eller något sådant!
