Monday, December 21, 2020

At the Rubicon with Donald Trump


This is not really a "prediction", since predictions seem off the table in 2020. Or 2021! Rather, it´s a reflection about the possibilities.

I don´t think the current tug-of-war between Trump and Biden´s handlers will be solved by Trump "crossing the Rubicon", declaring martial law, or something to that effect. He simply doesn´t have that kind of support. The Democrats oppose him and control the House. They may soon control the Senate, as well. Many people in the military top brass are opposed to Trump, and the same is true of the foreign policy establishment and the intelligence community. SCOTUS and that fat pig Mitch McConnell have already betrayed him. Inside the White House, Jared Kushner and Ivanka are essentially liberals. 

So unless Trump has some *really* good aces up his sleave (preferably both of them), the Dems and the RINOs will kick him out before January 20. Note also that the Dems and the GOP aren´t yet *that* far apart, despite all the election hysteria. The corona bail out was adopted *unanimously* by Congress, and the new corona bail out already has bipartisan support. Both mostly favor big business, showing who is *really* in charge...

There is still a large amount of whiggle room for BAU.

So what could Trump do to turn the situation around? There does seem to be one possibility. If Trump has conclusive evidence that China heavily interfered in the US election process, he could perhaps put pressure on SCOTUS, Congress and/or state Congresses to recognize the GOP-appointed "dueling electors" and hence stay in power. However, it would have to be really good evidence, so good that it´s almost a causus belli against China. Otherwise, the BAU Republicans won´t be swayed, and neither will the military. And even that might not work, since a large portion of the US establishment works with China and presumably doesn´t want a war with that nation. 

That the Biden team is now bullshitting about Russia again perhaps shows that they suspect what Trump´s strategy could be. Also, how strong is Trump himself? Isn´t this the same Trump who was hiding in the White House bunker during the riots at the advice of Kushner? Does he have what it takes to cross the Rubicon? Or will he just grab his supporters´ money and run with them, in a gigantic Rubi-Con?

None of the above means that there will be a "reset" to the situation pre-Trump. The United States is clearly stuck up shit creek without a paddle. The Democrats have spent four years trying to delegitimize the 2016 elections. Now, Trump will probably spend four years trying to delegitimize the 2020 ditto. None of the problems which made Trump possible have been dealt with. They are rather getting worse and worse. 

The Democrats have nothing to offer except mass unemployment, corona bail outs for the rich, new wars that will destabilize the rest of the world and lead to more terrorism and refugee crises, and an increasingly authoritarian "liberalism" pandering to the bizarre pastimes of the White suburban Karen class and their psychologically disturbed children. How this is going to stop a Trump Mark II (or the Mark of the Beast) is extremely unclear, although I suppose mail-in ballots might do the trick for another three or four elections...

The downward trajectory of the United States will continue, whoever wins the present jousting about the White House. 

I never thought I would miss America. But then, who knows, maybe I really won´t... 


  1. I sociala medier i Kina hyllas Trump på ett sätt som han nog inte gillar. Där beskrivs han (kanske bara delvis skämtsamt?) som en "kinesisk agent" som har en mission att slå sönder och diskreditera USA för att gynna Kina.

    Det finns beskrivningar om att han när han kört USA i botten kommer han att resa till Kina, sitt "riktiga" hemland.

    Trump kan ge upphov till konspirationsteorier (eller dito "teorier") av de mest skilda slag. Från QAnon till Kina.

  2. Och apropå konspirationsteorier, så har jag hört två väldigt märkliga. Den ena går ut på att Stonehenge byggdes på 1950-talet.

    Den andra (från David Norths grupp) säger att al-Sisi besökte Frankrike för att skola Macron i hur man inför en fascistisk diktatur?!

  3. Det där med Stonehenge är baserat på att monumentet restaurerades på 1950-talet. Det finns foton på hur byggjobbare med kranar "bygger" Stonehenge.

  4. Det måste vara en av de lättast motbevisade konspirationsteorierna i världshistorien. Kollar snabat i SvD:s historiska arkiv. Första gången Stonehenge nämns är 1900. Och 1905 finns en notis om hur nån sorts ny-druider (! ja det fanns tydligen sådana redan då) hade en ritual vid Stonehenge, som av de som såg den tydligen uppfattades som "komisk".

  5. Det finns dessutom illustrationer av Stonehenge från 1700-talet där det tydligt framgår att monumentet såg ut ungefär som det fortfarande gör...


  7. Jag är inte förvånad. Dessutom undrar man hur säkra vaccinerna är egentligen? Socialist Appeal verkar mena att de faktisk är det, men normalt sett tar det längre tid och fler tester innan vaccin släpps ut på marknaden...

  8. Speaking of Rubicon, there are rumours that Pope Francis will resign.

  9. And speaking of another Rubicon, when will the Spartacist League concede?

  10. Why don't BLM and Antifa protest anymore? It's almost as if they were fronting for Uncle Biden or something...
