Monday, December 7, 2020

My republic for a horse

A fascinating article about one of the first animal rights crusades. The year was 1872.

Note the similarities with modern environmentalist activism. Bergh (the woke animal rights guy) was super-rich, aristocratic and had the support of a "progressive" state. His opponents were "capitalist", to be sure, but he also made working class people miserable. Eventually, technological development rather than woke preaching or state legislation made life easier for the horses (and, I suppose, the workers).

And no, I'm not a cornucopian libertarian or horse-hater. I'm just reminding the young and the idealistic about what they are really up against. Somehow, the situation in 1872 sounds eerily reminescent of something closer to our own time...

Flu virus shut down the economy by infecting horses


  1. This kind of stuff makes me wonder what side I'm really on. On the one hand, our technology is fucking up the planet, and there can't be techno-solutions to everything. On the other hand, the alternative has never been a woke utopia but "the same old crap coming back". Are we cursed, or what?

  2. The "solution" is a world with high tech, one billion people and a one-child policy. As proposed by my old buddy Paul Ehrlich.

    So who wants to be part of the five billion that has to go?

  3. 88% of the human population must go, but the 12% remaining must be able to sustain a high tech civilization. In other words, they must be White, Jewish or perhaps East Asian. Also, very high educated! Now, does anyone think such a program is even *remotely* feasible?

  4. That global civil war will dwarf anything ever seen before...

  5. Europe had about 1.7 children per family. Without enforcing any birth rate policy. Fantastic! Then we opened our borders to the third world. Disaster if you care about enviromental issues.
    I wish there is special place in hell for european "enviromentalists" who are pro open borders. Here they will have to teach somalis about the importance of birth control and selective waste disposal. For all cosmic eternity.

  6. A consistent conservationist can't be for open borders.

  7. And Fredrik Federley will provide daycare for their kids while they do their incredibly important job with the somalis.

  8. Did you read Karin Olsson's article on the Federley scandal in Expressen? It almost sounds like she wants to normalize pedophilia...

    I actually hope some radical feminist will bash her for it!

  9. Red it now. Extremly bad. Could have been a 16 year old girls essay where shes trying to come of as progressive and PC as possible without realising the blatant contradictions in the finished text. Or just the ramblings of an adult but very PC methhead after a week without sleep.
    "it made us realise its very dangerous to be a girl(about one of the most bestial pedo murders in swedish history)". No shit Miss Sherlock! Do you know what also makes it dangerous to be a girl(or boy)? Having a powerfull politician daddy with a fetish for pedos and/or is a pedo himself.
    And when journalists in msm try to normalize degenerate daddys like that its really adding insult to injury. Better arm yourself and sleep with one eye open kids.

  10. Speaking of radical feminists, where are they these days? Cant remember the last time i heard anything from that camp. Have they drowned in the flood of HBTQP and " sex postive"(onlyfans is empowering for women. Why not tip your daughters onlyfans account before you go to bed. Federlay approves) feminists.
