Thursday, April 18, 2019

Why didn´t you listen?

No, the Notre Dame fire doesn´t herald the loss of the West to the Musulman barbars, nor does it tell us anything about the state of Macron´s fire-fighting department.

No, this is KARMIC PUNISHMENT directed against the French ministry of culture for not doing enough to stop Hollywood from turning "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" into an, wait for it, ANIMATED COMEDY.

I told you long ago that something like this could happen, after all, Victor Hugo is an ascended saint in the Vietnamese Cao Dai religion, but naaah, you wouldn´t listen.

OK, here´s my next prediction: the Big Ben in London will burn too, somewhere close to Halloween...

Not because of Brexit betrayal, but because the ghost of the clock tower doesn´t like to be trick or treated!

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