Monday, December 30, 2024



A short addendum to my blog post "Suspicions". It struck me that Russia has dumped two long-term allies in the Transcaucasus and the Middle East: Armenia and the Baathist regime in Syria. In return, they have gained new allies which are surely more fickle: Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Not sure if that´s the best Machiavellian power move. Sometimes, faithfulness pays. 

But then, I´m not Vladimir Putin´s advisor. :P 


Is God a space alien?


Atheists sometimes ask Christians how they can know that Jesus wasn´t a space alien. This content-creator, Jay from the YouTube channel Faith Evolved, turned the question around and asked the atheists how *they* can know that God isn´t a space alien! 

In the clip above, Jay expands on the topic. What if both Jesus, Gabriel or Moroni were aliens? Indeed, what if all "gods" are really aliens? Maybe they are superior intelligences trying to communicate with primitive humanity, using word-symbols we can understand. And that´s apparently alright. Jay is inspired by the peculiar Urantia Book, a channeled scripture first published in 1955 by renegade Adventist William Sadler. The conflation between Ascended Masters and space aliens presumably comes from Theosophy originally. 

Make of this content what you wish.  



The new leadership of Syria has indicated that they want continuing good relations with Russia, and that the Russian military can keep its bases in the country. Since the rebels overthrew a Russian-backed regime, that´s somewhat surprising...or maybe not. 

It confirms my suspicions that Putin made a deal with Turkey´s president Erdogan about a swift transition of power in Syria, back-stabbing Bashar Assad in the process. The reason obviously being that Russia wants to concentrate on the war in Ukraine. Propping up the Baathist regime was apparently too costly. If the Russian military can nevertheless keep its bases in Syria, Putin can still have some leverage in the Middle East. The bases are apparently also used as transit points to Africa, where Russia has expanded its influence in recent years. 

A pro-Turkish/Islamist Syria still somehow backed by Russia could become a dangerous enemy to Israel, which may also explain a thing or two. Israel has de facto defeated Hamas but has now gotten a new and presumably Hamas-friendly neighbor at its northern  border...

Turkey´s NATO membership looks more and more like a bizarre anachronism. How long can the United States permit Erdogan to do backroom deals with Putin and expand the quasi-Ottoman Empire to the Israeli borders? The best "solution" (such as it is) to this problem is presumably to continue US support for the Kurdish SDF in northern Syria. 

For his part, Trump has said that the United States should stay out of Syria, but that guy can say whatever. Let´s see if the geopolitical realities will come back to bite him in the ass!       

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Good night, sweet prince

Jimmy Carter has passed away (or passed on) at the ripe old age of 100.  

Voluntary suffering


Can´t say I like this. Has our man "Gnowly" turned towards Gurdjieff and his rogue guru-ism? 

Kontrollerad opposition


Elon Musk sägs stödja Reform Party i UK, Italiens bröder och nu...Alternativ för Tyskland. I USA samarbetar han som bekant med Donald Trump. 

Frågan är förstås: varför? Det hela måste te sig obegripligt för vänsterliberala ideologer, som ju uppfattar dessa partier som extremhöger. Vilket Musk inte är. Vi vet redan att han egentligen är för massinvandring till USA. 

De grupperingar på högerkanten Musk stödjer verkar dock samarbeta smärtfritt med EU (Italiens bröder) eller ha en nyliberal ekonomisk politik (Reform Party, Trump). Och AfD:s kvinnliga partiledare sägs tillhöra den "realistiska" falangen inom detta parti. En annan sak de har gemensamt (utom möjligen Italiens bröder) är en "pro-rysk" hållning i förhållande till Ukraina. (Kan ärligt talat inte så mycket om Italiens bröder, fast jag tror att det totala antalet invandrare brödraskapet lyckats stoppa uppgår till omkring noll personer.) 

Slutsats: Musk vill lobba den del av ytterhögern som är nyliberal och pro-rysk, eftersom han vill ha ett auktoritärt nyliberalt system med reglerad massinvandring av låglönearbetskraft. Kanske anser han att investeringsklimatet i Europa kommer att förbättras om ett fredsavtal sluts mellan Ryssland och Ukraina?

Att den nyliberala "nationella" högern skulle kunna hamna här förutsade jag redan för några år sedan (hittar inte blogginlägget i skrivande stund). Trodde dock inte att Musk av alla människor skulle spela rollen av spjutspets. När det begav sig verkade han snarast vara en förvirrad liberal i ordets amerikanska mening.

Och en sak till. Tobias Hübinette vågar av någon anledning inte säga att AfD:s ledare Alice Weidel faktiskt är lesbisk, och att "personen" hon är ihop med således är en annan kvinna! Oklart varför T.H. inte nämner detta, but there you go...   

Elon Musk stödjer AfD, använder utlandsadopterad person som argument

Beep beep beep


If Elon Musk supports Alternative for Germany, that party can´t be very dangerous for the establishment. Unless the endorsement is a form of lobbying? But that simply raises the follow up question: why is this Martian lobbying the freakin´ far right in Germany?! 

Beep, beep, pro-establishment radar is off the scale, dude!   

Elon Musk supports German AfD in controversial op-ed

En tragisk olycka


Aftonbladets språkbehandling är...tragisk. Deras rubrik betyder alltså "Vi gjorde så att planet kraschade, men tyvärr överlevde två personer". 

Båda artikelförfattarna är svenskar, och AB har rimligtvis tillgång till AI. Eller?

Kulturbarn från Waldorf-skolan?

On a fandor to Nebadon


The neverending flame war between Christians and atheists on YouTube continues, LOL. This week´s battle: a two year old video on a channel titled Faith Evolved. The content-creator, Jay, is actually *not* a Christian. At the very least not a very Nicene-orthodox one. He is into the ACIM (A Course in Miracles) and the Urantia Book! I haven´t looked into *that* particular milieu for years. Recently, he even uploaded a heavy metal song composed by himself based on the Urantia Bible.

Since I don´t have any meaningful to do just now (except maybe sleep), I decided to comment Jay´s video, which contains 10 questions for atheists (or perhaps atheist materialists). A few are quite original. I don´t consider myself an "atheist" or "materialist" sensu stricto, so on some topics I more or less agree with Faith Evolved. But...I dunked on the Urantia Book and the ACIM on this blog before, so *those* particular "revelations" are simply not my cup of tea.    

1. Are you sure you´re an atheist at all? Why are you not an agnostic, since you can´t prove a negative?

Good question. Many atheists claim that atheism is "merely a lack of belief in god or gods", a position jokingly known as "lacktheism". But of course that´s impossible. All atheism is a *positive* claim about the state of the (purported) evidence for a (purported) "god" or "gods". It literally can´t be otherwise. Therefore, most atheists are *not* "agnostic", "negative", "soft" or "lacktheist" but rather the exact opposite *even when they claim otherwise*, which explains the activism of many atheists Jay reacts against. 

Next, Jay further states that since we are a "baby species" who can´t even cure the common cold, how can we be sure that God doesn´t exist? This is a correct observation, but it works both ways: how can we be sure the ACIM or the Urantia Book are real, rather than (at best) very scrambled communications from the Great Beyond (or our own psyches)? Some form of humble agnosticism when it comes to "Ultimate Reality" seems to be in order here...from both sides. 

2. How can intelligence come from non-intelligence? Isn´t this evidence for intelligent design?

Also good questions, but I have a problem with Jay´s computer metaphors. Whatever Reality might be, it sure isn´t a human-built computer! Intelligent design in the "computer simulation" or "watchmaker" senses strikes me as extremely unlikely, indeed, impossible. An organic metaphor for Reality seems more apt. Or Neo-Platonist emanationism per usual. As for intelligence, the Divine probably isn´t "intelligent" in the human sense. Most personal gods are simply humans writ large. Perhaps the Divine simply "creates" countless of universes spontaneously without having to "design" them or "think" at all in our senses of those terms? 

3. Since something exists, must not part of it have existed forever? Reality must have some kind of structure to exist at all.

This also seems correct. A materialist atheist would (of course) argue that the structure is purely material, perhaps space-time. But yes, the notion of a true Nothing or Nothingness does sound incoherent.  

4. Why can´t that one thing that exists forever be consciousness, spiritual or god?

Well, exactly. 

5. What if the scientific method doesn´t take everything into considerations, such as spirituality? 

That depends on how you define "science", but at least in the modern world, "science" either tries to explain phenomena in a materialist way, or declares them unsolvable and therefore meaningless if they can´t be so explained. This may or may not be a good approach *in science* but of course people have broader vistas and will explore the spiritual anyway. 

Note the following, however. Many religions make claims about the material world. For instance, the Bible. Or the Urantia Book. If these claims contradict each other and/or contradict scientific evidence, that particular religion is probably not true, and neither is it´s "god" if the faulty information is said to come from Him through divine revelation. Examples include young earth creationism, ancient aliens and (perhaps) the claim that Jesus visited Rome. Indeed, channeled material seems to contain a downright staggering amount of misinformation of this kind!  

6. Why can´t God just be an advanced alien race?

This was the question that really brought the house down, LOL. It´s derived from the Urantia Book, of course. I agree that a sufficiently powerful space alien would be a "god" according to one common definition of that word. Pagan gods look humanoid, they are long-lived but it´s not always clear whether they are really immortal, they have superhuman powers, have access to flying vehicles, and are sometimes associated with various planets. Yeah, sounds like a space alien, alright! But note that most atheists would *not* consider such a being to be a "god" (this position is probably an unconscious Christian influence), but rather a material being misidentified as such, or perhaps nefariously posing as such. Compare cargo cults in New Guinea. 

7. What would it take for you to believe that "God" exists? 

Depends entirely on what you mean by that word. A kind of generic spiritual reality could presumably be strongly suggested by a mystical experience. But how can we *know* that this is the Ultimate Reality? Maybe we´re only tapping into the hive-mind of some lower astral creatures! 

8. What if an advanced alien race could change reality? What if humans could become "gods" and create life on other planets? 

Theosophy? My guess is that material creatures can´t change material reality in this radical fashion. We can "only" leave this plane of existence for another one, and probably not change that either.

9. Does a part of you secretely hope that God exists?

Which "god" was that, again? I hope the ACIM or the Urantia Book *aren´t* true!

10. How can you know for sure that I (Jay) don´t know God? 

Here, Jay quotes some kind of scripture, but it´s not clear to me which one. The point is that knowledge of God or the Divine is gained through personal experience and living faith and not through intellectual logic. Therefore, it can´t be disproven by the latter. First, what is "living faith"? Second, while I agree that completely dry philosophy doesn´t prove anything, there seems to be a false dichotomy between "personal experience" and "intellectual logic". Surely, they can inform each other? Third, what about "comparing notes" with other people´s personal experiences? 

Obviously, I can´t ultimately *know* whether or not Jay experienced God, but precisely for that reason, I´m not duty-bound to accept his claims without some kind of corroboration.

How do you know I´m not the Ashtar Command? ;-) 

Send Elon Musk to Mars


People seem to have more time off at the moment, for whatever reason. Let me guess. Christmas holidays? New Year? That kind of thing. The link below goes to some old news making the rounds on the proverbial internets just now. 

Yes, the CIA did conduct "remote viewing" experiments during the Cold War. The US military was also involved in psychic research. The results were probably mostly negative, at least from a military-intelligence perspective. And that´s that. 

I suppose the daimonic can´t be controlled by the controllers...  

CIA docs reveal life exists on Mars

Saturday, December 28, 2024



There is some truth in this, of course...and in the opposite, too. Atheists often act like this when trying to de-convert religious people. "The angry atheist" stereotype is a thing. Or in this case, lacktheist! :D  



The irony is palpable: Trump´s main opponent in the GOP primaries is more protectionist than one of his advisors...  

Spat between Haley and Vivek continues

Friday, December 27, 2024

Scandal? What scandal?


A video supposedly exposing scandals surrounding well-known prosperity preacher Joel Osteen in Texas. With one or two possible exceptions, however, none of these facts or factoids are particularly scandalous. It seems the real problem the narrator has with Osteen is that the Texan pastor is insufficiently fundamentalist! 

He works with Catholics, believes that Romney and Obama are real Christians, invited Oprah Winfrey to his mega-church (Oprah has promoted New Thought and New Age), and says very little about sin and damnation. Indeed, Osteen is popularly known as "the smiling preacher". 

Now, the prosperity gospel isn´t my thing (I actually watched some of Osteen´s sermons on a Swedish public access channel years ago), but I´m almost tempted to say "wtf, I love Joel Osteen now" after looking at this content...    

Brain rot


The article "The Amazing Atheist" is referencing is linked below. Here is a crazy idea I just got into my own plastic-infected brain: could *this* be the cause behind the explosion of autism in kids? Or did that happen too early?  

Microplastics are polluting brain tissue

The grizzly toll of capitalism


OK, help me out here. So the ship recently boarded in the Gulf of Finland by the Finnish police has a flag of convenience from the Cook Islands, an obsure quasi-independent territory somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The ship is believed to be part of a "shadow fleet" controlled by Russia, the main purpose of which is to export Russian oil and hence break the Western sanctions. Finland suspects that the ship also sabotaged two underwater cabels connecting Finland and Estonia.

But the most interesting part of the equation here is surely the flag of convenience. So by not banning such anti-labor practices, the Western nations (including New Zealand, the actual overlord of the Cook Islands) have enabled Russia to bypass the sanctions.

Capitalist greed makes it more difficult to fight Russian imperialism. How ironic!  



Observera att "terian" är ett av nyorden. Åh nej, säg inte att *den* subkulturen, som torde vara helt passé i USA och dessutom en av de spattigaste, har kommit till Sverige?! Alltså den som kallas Therians på engelska. Otherkin är en bredare beteckning. 

Själv skulle jag vilja ha en avokadoskanner i försenad julklapp, LOL.   

Årets nyordlista

Om subkulturen Otherkin, se här (på engelska): 

A peculiar subculture

Onödig ätare


Det finns två möjliga lösningar på detta problem. Ett: livstids fängelse på riktigt. Två: Avrättning. Visa mig var i de feministiska vänsterpartiernas plattformar dessa krav finns? Jag väntar.   

Babyface åtalas för ny våldtäkt

Kevin Spacey is the devil


This stuff is probably mostly of interest to myself, for reasons I´m probably not going to disclose. Yepp, it´s our old friend, the globetrotting spiritualist medium Cyrus Kirkpatrick, more rambling and extreme than ever! He´s interviewed by one James Rink, who is just as delusional as Kirkpatrick himself.

Kirkpatrick claims to have inside information about something he calls "the dark fleet", apparently evil space aliens of some kind. They are in league with the Rothschilds and the Jewish mafia, who financed the Nazis blah-blah. The TV series "Star Trek" was real, including the alien races known as Betazoid, the Q Continuum and Cardassians but strangely enough not the Klingons. The actress Marina Sirtis, who starred a Betazoid, actually was Betazoid?! Tulsi Gabbard is a liasion officer with the good aliens and has offices on many planets in our galaxy. And yes, the devil looks like Kevin Spacey!

This whole space opera is spiced with Kirkpatrick´s old spiritual message very freely based on "The Law of One" plus various criticisms of the New Age and "The Secret". 

Kirkpatrick also strongly implies that he was a secret agent in North Korea trying to turn Kim Jong-un (he did visit the isolated nation years ago) and that Kim will probably withdraw his troops from Russia and side with Trump. 

The interviewer, Rink, describes himself thus in his channel presentation: "I am a milab and operate Sibeus and Arbeus avatars and super soldier cyborg missions involving searches, rescues, and exterminations for montauk and OW ops. I have been subjected to trauma, monarch programming, and human cloning connected to military abductions and alien mind control." Oh. His YouTube channel is called Super Soldier Talk, which I think is a reference to another space opera that´s supposedly true. Will check...or perhaps not.

Good luck with this content. Or not.

You´re fired



Vivek Ramaswamy de facto calls Trump´s base deplorable and irredeemable. Time to DOGE him?

>>>The reason top tech companies often hire foreign-born & first-generation engineers over “native” Americans isn’t because of an innate American IQ deficit (a lazy & wrong explanation). A key part of it comes down to the c-word: culture. Tough questions demand tough answers & if we’re really serious about fixing the problem, we have to confront the TRUTH:

>>>Our American culture has venerated mediocrity over excellence for way too long (at least since the 90s and likely longer). That doesn’t start in college, it starts YOUNG. >>>A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers. >>>A culture that venerates Cory from “Boy Meets World,” or Zach & Slater over Screech in “Saved by the Bell,” or ‘Stefan’ over Steve Urkel in “Family Matters,” will not produce the best engineers. >>>(Fact: I know *multiple* sets of immigrant parents in the 90s who actively limited how much their kids could watch those TV shows precisely because they promoted mediocrity…and their kids went on to become wildly successful STEM graduates). >>>More movies like Whiplash, fewer reruns of “Friends.” More math tutoring, fewer sleepovers. More weekend science competitions, fewer Saturday morning cartoons. More books, less TV. More creating, less “chillin.” More extracurriculars, less “hanging out at the mall.” >>>Most normal American parents look skeptically at “those kinds of parents.” More normal American kids view such “those kinds of kids” with scorn. If you grow up aspiring to normalcy, normalcy is what you will achieve. >>>Now close your eyes & visualize which families you knew in the 90s (or even now) who raise their kids according to one model versus the other. Be brutally honest. >>>“Normalcy” doesn’t cut it in a hyper-competitive global market for technical talent. And if we pretend like it does, we’ll have our asses handed to us by China. >>>This can be our Sputnik moment. We’ve awaken from slumber before & we can do it again. Trump’s election hopefully marks the beginning of a new golden era in America, but only if our culture fully wakes up. A culture that once again prioritizes achievement over normalcy; excellence over mediocrity; nerdiness over conformity; hard work over laziness. >>>That’s the work we have cut out for us, rather than wallowing in victimhood & just wishing (or legislating) alternative hiring practices into existence. I’m confident we can do it.

Original tweet

The secret tradition of the Soul


Sometimes AI is almost...daimonic. Look what happened when I gave it the prompt "Jesus as a daimonic man together with black panther". If you know, you know! 

Tredjedag jul


Gustav III avskaffade ett stort antal svenska helgdagar 1772, däribland "tredjedag jul" och "fjärdedag jul". Tredjedagen (27 december) förknippades med aposteln Johannes. AI:s fantasibild av aposteln ifråga kan beskådas ovan!  

Vad är tredjedag jul?

United Slaves


No relation to United Slaves!

LOL! Breitbart News goes mustang in this article, attacking Kamala Harris for celebrating Kwanzaa, but note the last sentence, in which they are forced to admit that even Donald Trump wished Black people a Happy Kwanzaa (although he never claimed to celebrate it himself).

Kwanzaa is a "fake holiday" according to Breitbart, invented by one Maulana Karenga who was a really bad boy. Maybe a proto-fascist? Or a left-wing extremist? One thing not mentioned in the screed is that some radical leftists actually believe that Karenga was an FBI stooge!

Oh, and why isn´t Christmas a fake holiday? It was invented by a proto-fascist Roman regime the main pastime of which was book burning, slavery and wars of conquest, but whatever...  

Biden-Harris admin wishes everyone a "Happy Kwanzaa"

Titta vem som är tillbaka...


Titta vilken konspirationsteori (?) som gör comeback. Tydligen tack vare Robert F Kennedy, Jr. 

Konspirationsteori om "chemtrails" får nytt fäste i USA

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Wailing at the wrong wall?


Not sure if there is some truth in this, or if it´s another conspiracy theory. The author of the article is certainly an anti-Semite, but who knows? Most of "Biblical history" is fake anyway, so why not this as well?

Summary: the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem isn´t the last remaining portion of the Second Temple, but rather of the Roman Fort Antonia! So Jews are literally wailing at the wrong wall...    

Holy Irony



"Mirage Men" is a documentary about how the US intelligence community has managed or manufactured the UFO phenomenon in order to cover up secret (non-alien) military tests. It prominently features the so-called Bennewitz case and even includes an interview with Richard Doty, the air force intelligence agent chiefly responsible for that particular disinfo operation. 

Unfortunately, the documentary is very confusing and badly edited. I´m not sure if people new to the case (or the UFO scene) will learn anything important from it, except that ufologists are often intensely suspicious of each other! On one point, "Mirage Men" was helpful: it actually contains a perfectly rational explanation of the baffling cattle mutilations sometimes associated with UFOs. Yes, it´s another secret government operation...

If you decide to watch the docu, please read the blog posts linked below first for some background.    

I´m not saying it was the government, but it was the government

The end of the dream

Oh, just shut up, dude


Another anti-Christmas marauder...

Fried chicken is the reason for the season (?!)


An interesting video about how the Japanese celebrate Christmas - which they apparently do, but probably not in the way you think! Only one gift, "Christmas chicken" at the local KFC (!!) and a special Christmas cake are the main ingredients. Also, young people see Christmas Day as a dating opportunity, a bit like Valentine´s Day. Christmas decorations are taken down immidiately after Christmas Day, and then its off to the Japanese New Year celebration, which is apparently seen as more important. No hard feelings, by the way!  

Boxing Day



Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve


Mistakes have been made


If Paul developed his theology based on a form of apocalyptic Jewish mysticism, and the apocalypse didn´t happen, how can we trust *any* kind of mysticism? 

Or, more to the point, how can we trust any unverifiable information we get from entities showing up in spiritual visions? And how much of it can actually be verified in the first place? 

Nightmare before Christmas


Crazy sectarian party-poopers of the Adventist persuasion dunk on Christmas, claiming it is - surprise - pagan. An extravagant summary of all real or perceived pagan influences on this supposed Christian holiday. Never thought of the similarity between Santa´s flying reindeer and Odin´s Wild Hunt before. But sure, the AI-generated Krampus figures look cool.

Should I or you tell them that Christianity was "pagan" from the start, and so was Judaism? There was no pure and pristine early Christianity that looked like Seventh Day Adventism or even more radical groups such as the JW´s or Christadelphians. As for the religion of ancient Israel, Solomon´s temple didn´t just look pagan, it was literally built by pagans! And don´t even get me started on the Ark of the Covenant...

This is the *nightmare* before Christmas. 


Tax exemption


 I never heard of Marjoe Gortner before. He was apparently "ordained" as a preacher back in 1948 at the age of four - the youngest person ever to get such a position. 

In 1972, Marjoe (as he was always known) released an eponymous documentary in which he exposed the entire charismatic movement as a bunch of frauds. He then morphed into a B-movie actor, circus performer, and so on. He is apparently still alive. 

Both uploads above feature clips from "Marjoe". The first is commented by a former Jehovah´s Witness. Scams of this kind seems incredibly common.   

When did the Church become Amway?


Sometimes even Doreen Virtue makes interesting content. This time about MLM, including its connection to charismatic Christianity. It seems all MLMs operate in pretty much the same way, make up pretty much the same claims, and have the same detrimental results for most of the participants. I didn´t know about the (presumably informal) connections to New Thought and the prosperity gospel, but it doesn´t surprise me either. After all, the underlying ideas seem to be the same: a kind of "magical thinking" about success and how to reach it, the cultic mentality, and so on. Obviously, the entire basis for these things is American capitalism and/or culture. 

In the one-hour video, Virtue speaks with two former merchandizers of "Amway", an old MLM business in the United States (and accused of being a cult for decades by critics). The couple were also involved in the Word of Faith movement. They discuss how Amway really operates backstage, and how certain Christian groups try to recruit people through the MLM milieu. 

As I said, could be of some interest. 

The answer is NO


Donald Trump wants Greenland...again. The answer is NO. Finders, keepers, Donald. Finders, keepers!

Årets knäppaste rubrik?


Nu blommar asfalten...

Monday, December 23, 2024




Maybe not a commendation


The sensational paper referenced in this short Hindu propaganda video is from 1985. And no, I haven´t bothered trying to find it. 

Maybe some of the ancient Indian grammarians did turn Sanskrit into a strictly "logical" language for philosophical or theological reasons, but so what? If this makes Sanskrit suited for advanced AI, how on earth is that a commendation? 

Note the (AI-generated) pictures, showing robots doing yoga and stuff. Note also the Terminator-like robots...

Kali yuga indeed!

Federal property


Credit: Pete unseth

A provocative thought. Panama wouldn´t even exist as an independent nation without US support. And the US built the Panama Canal. So why shouldn´t the United States take it back? :D

Trust the science, bro


You might as well ask the shaman!

I wonder if The Guardian would dare to publish this today, post-COVID and soon-to-be-RFK Jr?  

Why we can´t trust science journals to tell the scientific truth

Weird and bizarre


If evolution is true, why are there still tuataras?

Richard Carrier´s criticism of sociobiology a.k.a. evolutionary psychology. 

Note the connections he makes to the replication crisis in science, which seems to affect the field of psychology in particular. This fact alone may invalidate most of "EvoPsych", since many of the phenomena it´s trying to explain might not even exist! 

The author also points out that most psychological tests are made on US college students, despite the fact that they (surprise) aren´t representative of the world population, being raised in a society that´s "WEIRD" (Western, Educated, Industrial, Rich and Democratic). In fact, college students today are obviously not very representative of American society either. (Jokingly, we could say that they are more queer than weird.) 

I was also surprised to learn that teddy bears are considered female-gendered toys in the US. Always saw them as unisex or even male-gendered...       

is 90% of all EvoPsych false?

Why are there still monkeys?


Krishna and Darwin dancing with
 a chimpanzee (an ape, I know)

Just have to quote this from Richard Carrier´s essay "Is 90% of all EvoPsych false?" (published at his blog in 2015). This is...hysterical! 

>>>Worse, this paper, in attempting to defend EvoPsych, actually cites the pseudoscientific “gendered toys” papers as if these were an example of good science, when in fact they are precisely the kind of pseudoscience critics are attacking as inane.

>>>In Gerianne Alexander & Melissa Hines, “Sex Differences in Response to Children’s Toys in Nonhuman Primates,” Evolution & Human Behavior 23.6 (1 November 2002) and Janice Hassett et al., “Sex Differences in Rhesus Monkey Toy Preferences Parallel Those of Children,” Hormones & Behavior 54.3 (August 2008), they claimed even monkeys showed the same sex difference in toy choice as 21st century American children: girls play with Dolls, Cooking Pots, and Teddy Bears, boys play with Trucks, Police Cars, and Balls. In the first study, more specifically: a ball, a police car, a soft doll, a cooking pot, a picture book and a stuffed dog (in the second study, wheeled toys and plush toys)—not one of which would be meaningful to a monkey, of any gender. 

>>>Never mind that monkeys don’t know what trucks and cars and dolls and pots are or do, that trucks and cars and cooking pots didn’t exist in the ancient environment we evolved in, that human boys play with dolls as often as girls (I never went anywhere without my G.I. Joe, whom I also dressed; today, kids play with Action Figures, as did I), and that the Teddy Bear was originally a boy’s toy. Culture is seriously confounding here, and the thesis illogical. 

>>>It is impossible that monkeys evolved to have a cognitive preference for cooking pots or police cars. To even presume so is pseudoscience. (And why are we studying monkeys, our most distant primate ancestors, when we actually have sex-difference studies of tool use and play in our much closer cousins the Chimpanzees? Oh, right, because those results don´t support the sexist assumptions of these researches…though, of course, humans still aren’t Chimpanzees, either.)

Those were some damn smart monkeys, for sure! :D

An angel of light


So Paul recieved revelations from "God" and "Christ". But these revelations were clearly wrong. For instance, Jesus didn´t return during Paul´s lifetime. 

Therefore, Paul´s revelations came from the Devil *by the standards of Christianity itself*. 

See what I just did there? 



The philosophical/existential implications of this video are downright *staggering*. Staggering, I say! 

For a very long time, humanity assumed that we were at bottom spiritual creatures, with a soul and so forth. But according to recent research, we are actually *created by mitochondria to enhance their survival*, the mitochondria being bacterial endosymbionts which still retain a certain amount of independence after billions of years of co-evolution with their hosts. 

Since these bacteria need oxygen to survive, they have "created" bodies with lungs which can process...oxygen. Richard Dawkins once said that we are machines programmed by our genes. But if the man above is right, we are programmed by *another organism entirely*. It even controls our psychology (i.e. our most basic states of mind) and perhaps even our ageing! 


Crazy anthropology


Something tells me anthropologists would go bananas if they saw the videos on this channel, created by Danish adventurer "Jones". In the upload above, he visits a Kumbha Mela in India, apparently one of the smaller ones. It´s 34 minutes of barely controlled chaos, both from the side of the Hindus and from Adventure-Jones himself. 

One part of the video *is* disturbing: what´s up with the "guru" and all those children and barely pubescent boys? Less disturbing (perhaps) is the Vaishnava ritual specialist who apparently incorporated the Muslim confession of faith into his Hindu puja...

Make of this material what you wish.   

The Amazing Chaos Magician


The Amazing Atheist (sic) comes out as a believer in Chaos Magick. Make of this content what ye wish.  

The Consensus Machine


Sabine H continues dropping truth bomb after truth bomb. Regardless of what you think of the vaxx, she is right that science (of course) isn´t based on "consensus". Einstein said it best. When somebody published a book titled "800 scientists against Einstein", he quipped "if I´m wrong, it only takes one"!  

"Sekulariseringen fortsätter"


Jesus älskar skalbaggar! 

LOL. Men inte den muslimska trenden, tydligen. Och varför skulle sekulariseringen hålla i sig? Det är betydligt troligare att religionen i någon form gör "comeback" när krisen fördjupas. 

Men visst, jag kan ha fel. En sekulär ideologi kanske kommer att ta religionens plats bland just etniska svenskar. Etno-fascism, kanske? Eller också blir alla nihilister, både svenskar och invandrare. Vår civilisation är rent historiskt sett ganska udda, så dess fall kanske kommer att bli lika särpräglad? 

Kristna trenden bland unga bara en myt

I en annan dimension


En klassiker. 

En trött Trump tvingas se publiken lämna



Woke-vänstern stretar på...



Två rubriker i Aftonbladet som på något sätt sammanfattar problemet med dagens socialdemokrati. Vi kanske behöver en "Strasser" i det här landet, trots allt. Ni vet, välfärdsstat utan gängkriminella... 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Don´t tell Doreen Virtue


HA HA HA. I missed this little controversy in San Antonio, Texas. Both Catholics and Protestants were protesting a Krampus Night parade in the city, apparently the first one ever. In a weird statement, they extoll the virtues of Saint Nicholas and attack Krampus!

Eh, come again?

In Central Europe, including Catholic nations, Krampus (alias Black Peter) is the *helper* of Saint Nicholas on December 6. Yes, really. Should I or you tell the archbishop of San Antonio? 

But OK, maybe the Krampus Night parade was anything but children-friendly, but surely there are worse problems in the Lone Star State...?   

Krampus parade debuts in San Antonio amidts controversy

"Questions aheists can´t answer"


- We´re leaving this planet soon, just wait!

So the terrorist in Germany is an *atheist from Saudi Arabia*, not a Muslim? Wonderful. Now US Christian fundamentalists can use his car attack as an argument against atheism. Should I or you tell them that he was supposedly also a Greater Israel Zionist and a Trump supporter? 

This is just the latest example of "the world is going mad"...

Maybe its name is Grethe


"They burn people and eat human flesh". Just another Tuesday in Varanasi, I´m sure! All the usual chaos and mayhem in this video from a Danish guy who calls himself Adventure-Jones. Viewer discretion factor? Yuge!

Craziest line: when Adventure-Jones sees a human cranium packed up by an Aghori from his sack, my man exclaims: "Maybe its name is Grethe"?! (Grethe is a female Danish name.) 


LARP-ing left


It just struck me that the radical left must be very happy right now. I mean, doesn´t the world look pretty much like the left wants it to?

There is a green transition. Nuclear power plants are closed. Neo-colonialism is crumbling, while Russia and China have emerged as the dominant great powers. Muslim fundamentalism is on the rise. There has been mass immigration to Europe and the United States. The economy is run on crypto-Keynesian lines, with massive printing of money and what not. Veganism and euthanasia have become socially accepted. LGBTQ is the law of the land. Indeed, the entire White "race" is literally dying out. So are the Japanese and South Koreans, those darn East Asian sell-outs. 

So why isn´t anyone celebrating? I mean, the radicals seem just as angry as usual. 

Obviously because the world isn´t really leftist. It´s just LARP-ing left. The global situation looks like a simulacrum or even a parody of the Utopia the leftists were contending for. 

The "irony of history" is palpable.    

France leaves Afreaka?


Another setback for France in Africa. This time, French troops are preparing to leave Chad, and Senegal might be next. The French has already been kicked out of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger. France will thus lose control over the entire Sahel! Russia will step in, obviously.

Still, sure wonder what the longterm plan is from the African side? Here´s a guess: their military elites will gladly accept Russian handouts, while continuing to send their population surplus to Europe (including France). Who knows, the plan might even work. 

If it doesn´t...well, I suppose African conscripts can be airlifted to some war front in the ex-Soviet Union to aid the North Koreans. Something tells me they won´t like that very much, though. 

From the frying pan into the fire!

France begins troop withdrawals from Chad



What´s the difference between folklore and fakelore? Isn´t folklore simply fakelore that survived longer? 



AI´s fantasy picture of the winter solstice... 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Did I get this right?


Did Trump just demand that the debt ceiling be raised or scrapped? So *Trump* is the guy demanding more and more federal spending? Is that correctly understood? And most Republicans...what? Support him? 

Everyone on X is laughing at this right now! Maybe the Dems should vote for his proposals, LOL.  

Folklore in the making


Our bro Thomas Sheridan doubles down on the claim that the drones over New Jersey are really fairies, tulpas or something to that effect. In other words: a genuine paranormal event. It´s also folklore emerging right before our eyes. 

Interesting, to be sure, but I suspect it´s just the usual all-American "will to believe". You say it, we believe it! People going ga-ga over normal commercial or police drones. That kind of stuff.

But we´ll see. Maybe... 


"Svenska barn sörjer Gaboro"



Ett tecken i tiden? 

Att resa i Habsburgarnas fotspår



This is a summary of a video I linked to previously. Daring move to claim that the Christmas tree isn´t pagan this close to, you know, Christmas...





Kali´s handmaiden


How to worship god c/o Hinduism. You can pretend to be, ahem, Kali´s handmaiden?!

Regression to the mean



Africa and Papua New Guinea still have a fertility rate above replacement level. Be afraid, White boy, be very afraid! :D

Oh, and the third clip shows one of "our" Western cultural deviations... 

Veckans Strasser


Lite oväntat går utmärkelsen till Donald Tusk, Polens västvänlige mittenliberale premiärminister, und so weiter.

Än är Polen inte förlorat!

Polens förra regering kan åtalas - för att ha öppnat gränsen