One of the more popular memes right now. President-elect Donald Trump mocks his former ally turned enemy Chris Christie with a meme showing how drones bring the latter some hamburgers!
Purport: Christie is a former governor of New Jersey. The drone scare began in that state. One drone supposedly crashed outside a McDonald´s. Christie was notoriously obese during his tenure as governor, and almost died during the COVID pandemic due to this, so the meme isn´t particularly classy...
On a more serious note, Christie recently commented the drone situation, having no particular solution to it, but expressing fear that unless something is done, vigilantes will start shooting down drones at their own leisure, which will impede legitimate drone traffic. Both law enforcement and commercial businesses use drones, after all.
Of course, if somebody actually downs an "Iranian" drone, this will force the USAF´s hand, since the little trinkets are obviously theirs.
Nästan kvacksalveri och fat-shaming att hävda att man kan dö av corona för att man är fet. Om alla bara tog sina sprutor så kan vi tryggt fortsätta att skyffla ner skräp i mathålet.
ReplyDeleteBig food och Big Pharma i ljuv harmoni.
Fan, samtiden känns allt mer som Pasolinis "Sodoms 120 sista dagar".
Bantningssprutor, närmare bestämt!
ReplyDeleteSenaste högteknologiska bantningspeparaten blockerar tarmarna från att ta upp fett. En vanlig biverkning är en diare. Normalt har avföring mycket lite/inget fett i sig. Den här tjockisdiaren däremot..
ReplyDeleteVattenklosetter klarar inte av fett någon längre tid innan det blir stopp. Både lokalt och längre ner i systemet.
Härligt med en massa analinkontinenta tjockisar med fett-diare som tvingas göra ifrån sig lite överallt utom i toaletten.
Inte ens Pasolini kunde förutsäga den här graden av dekadens
Only shows what a classless idiot we have as President-elect. And yes he defecates in his adult diapers...check out some scenes at the Notre Dame reopening when people sitting behind him suddenly wrench up their noses...
ReplyDeleteSeems to be a thing among american politicians, be it reps or dems. Biden the foremost public diaper-soiler. And Hillary soiled her pants while she didnt wear a diaper.
ReplyDeleteIs smuggling laxatives in each others food how the war is being wagedt behind the scenes? "Brown diapers matter, especially in the polls".
PS: Honorary mention to Bush sr. For projectile puking over some Japan minister in the 90:es.