Friday, December 27, 2024

Kevin Spacey is the devil


This stuff is probably mostly of interest to myself, for reasons I´m probably not going to disclose. Yepp, it´s our old friend, the globetrotting spiritualist medium Cyrus Kirkpatrick, more rambling and extreme than ever! He´s interviewed by one James Rink, who is just as delusional as Kirkpatrick himself.

Kirkpatrick claims to have inside information about something he calls "the dark fleet", apparently evil space aliens of some kind. They are in league with the Rothschilds and the Jewish mafia, who financed the Nazis blah-blah. The TV series "Star Trek" was real, including the alien races known as Betazoid, the Q Continuum and Cardassians but strangely enough not the Klingons. The actress Marina Sirtis, who starred a Betazoid, actually was Betazoid?! Tulsi Gabbard is a liasion officer with the good aliens and has offices on many planets in our galaxy. And yes, the devil looks like Kevin Spacey!

This whole space opera is spiced with Kirkpatrick´s old spiritual message very freely based on "The Law of One" plus various criticisms of the New Age and "The Secret". 

Kirkpatrick also strongly implies that he was a secret agent in North Korea trying to turn Kim Jong-un (he did visit the isolated nation years ago) and that Kim will probably withdraw his troops from Russia and side with Trump. 

The interviewer, Rink, describes himself thus in his channel presentation: "I am a milab and operate Sibeus and Arbeus avatars and super soldier cyborg missions involving searches, rescues, and exterminations for montauk and OW ops. I have been subjected to trauma, monarch programming, and human cloning connected to military abductions and alien mind control." Oh. His YouTube channel is called Super Soldier Talk, which I think is a reference to another space opera that´s supposedly true. Will check...or perhaps not.

Good luck with this content. Or not.


  1. Social media are platforms where anybody can post nearly anything. It occurred to me it's not unlike having ESP and hearing everyone's thoughts (and I mean everyone's!) as you walk down the street or at the store etc. There's some crazed folks out there! Marina Sirtis was something of a Babe though! Didn't she have a fling with Number One?

  2. Ha ha, don´t remember. On the show or off?

  3. On the show...toward the end of the Next Gen series I think.
