Saturday, May 4, 2024

Holy Christ on a cracker



Greg Johnson is a controversial pastor in Tennessee. The two clips above (from an atheist YouTube channel) deal with some of the turbulence surrounding this man. It seems his church recently suffered a split of sorts, after a substantial portion of the membership came out in favor of flat earthism! Locke made the mistake of inviting a Christian flat earther to his church to debate him. He may have "won" the debate, but the flat earth pastor seems to have won over a portion of his flock in turn. 

The second video is about the dramatic burning of 200 Bibles outside Locke´s church at Easter earlier this year. As I already pointed out in a previous blog post on the incident, Locke and his supporters have previously burned "occultic" books. A clip of one of those events is included in the second upload above. The Locke people are actually confronted by a gay activist who throws a Bible into the bonfire and screams "Hail Satan"! The atheist content-creator, Owen, suspects that Locke himself may have staged the Easter Bible burning, perhaps in order to blame local occultists or Satanists...

Crazy stuff as usual from the land that gave us fast food and nuclear bombs!

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