Monday, May 13, 2024



Good luck with this material. I disavow...disavow...disavow... 

A physicist endorses MITTENS

How Genghis Khan´s MITTENS strangled Darwin

The Vacuous Rhetoric of Evolution

Dunning-Kruger Science

A Bold Beginning

The Midwit Science


  1. I dislike acronyms, words made from the first letters of other words, as they frequently subvert the basic ideas they are supposed to represent. I suppose they save time and labor!
    MITTENS: Mathematical Improbability of The Theory of Natural Selection
    TENS: Theory of Evolutionary Natural Selection
    IGM: Intelligent Genetic Manipulation

    From what I can gather from your *disavowed* presentation is that Darwin's theory has been challenged by this particular Vox blogger on the basis of mathematical impossibility; and that the earliest diversion or fusion of a Human gene#2 from primates (chimpanzees) occurred 740,000 years ago, leading to present day homo sapiens.
    Ok, but as far as Intelligent Genetic Manipulation goes, who or what does the manipulating. Aliens? God? Gods plural? I have my own theory, which cannot be disproven (or proven!) that somehow the gamma rays, xrays, quarks or what have you that constantly bombard
    us on our little planet, in this corner of the Milky Way galaxy, happened (by chance or design?) to tweak some chromosomal material by passing through the DNA chain and suddenly the next generation passed on that now altered gene and so on and so forth.
    What gets me in the above blog posts are the comical ways in which the author takes the intelligence levels of his audience to task!

    1. In other words, the whole blasted Universe could just be an accident!

    2. When googling MITTENS I found an AI kitten who plays chess! And a Chinese mitten crab. Who knew?

  2. Ironically, Vox Day´s theory is compatible with a kind of evolution, perhaps a "hard" version of theist evolution or even alien intervention. He strongly implies that aliens or angels may have done it. But if so, did they do so progressively over billions of years?

    1. Yes I saw that was the gist of his theory, ever so subtle manipulation of genetic material over ages of years. Could be so. If only the Webb telescope could get a portrait of said aliens! Just watched a sort of dumb detective show called Sugar on appleTV. Surprise ending! Nice Corvette though.

  3. Well, radiation from outer space must cause mutations on Earth. But that sounds almost as a weird, near-hidden form of teleology!

  4. We are all made of star stuff?
