Friday, May 10, 2024



If this is a correct understanding of Manichaeism, I must say that I just got much less sympathy for it. Manichaeism is a dead religion, of course, but this small group on YouTube is trying to revive it. Complete with small group dogmatism and "everyone really agrees with their hearts". 

(Apart from the clip, also read the comments.) 

Interestingly, the content-creator used to be a "Jansenist" Catholic and then a Calvinist. He came to Manichaeism by way of Augustine and a strong belief in predestination. I watched a few of his uploads, and he does try to be as consistent as possible when preaching strict dualism between Light and Dark, for instance by taking an anti-natalist position. His view of sin and grace is super-fatalist. 

Somehow, I get the feeling that it´s precisely this consistency which makes Manichaeism (and strongly world-denying Gnosticism more generally) suddenly sound so absurd... 

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