Monday, May 20, 2024

A literal cold war


Russian scientists have supposedly discovered an enormous amount of oil in Antarctica, enough to last for 500 years. There is just one problem: it´s on territory claimed by the British. And very close to territory claimed by both Britain and Argentina. These territorial claims are invalid according to an international treaty, but who will care in the future? If Russia and/or China moves to extract the oil, all bets are off. 

Argentina currently has a pro-Western government, but this could change in the future, and then Argentina´s old claims to the Falkland Islands might be dusted off. Thus, we could see a geopolitical confrontation over fossil fuels in the South Atlantic between a Sino-Russo-Argentine alliance and an Anglo-American ditto.

The consequences for the world´s climate if even more oil is used up is not mentioned in Daily Mail´s article (probably because of their right-leaning political sympathies), but Russia and China are not known for giving a damn about "green transitions". The massive use of aerosols to mitigate global warming is probably inevitable at this point...  

The scramble for Antarctica´s black gold


  1. Må vi inte få en FÖR spännande framtid.

  2. Motpol brukar ju säga "låt äventyret börja". Har haft lite för många "äventyr" de senaste tio åren eller så...

  3. En debatt mellan motpols rätt strasseristiske men ändå i marxism grundade Oskorei och Rodenborg tror jag hade varit högintressant.
    Om du läser det här Rodenborg så tror jzg Motpol gärna upplåtit plats för en dylik debatt.

  4. Ni är ena ordrika typer bägge två som trivs att debattera med enorma textmassor.
