Saturday, May 4, 2024

Dark halo


On April 15, Assyrian bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel in Australia was attacked and stabbed, apparently by a self-proclaimed Islamist. Emmanuel already had a large social media following, probably because he often preaches in English and sounds broadly "Alt Right". 

Canadian hypnotherapist and cult-buster Henri Jolicoeur is *very* critical of Mar Mari Emmanuel in the above clip, just uploaded. Some of the information is also available at the relevant Wikipedia page. 

It turns out that Mari Emmanuel doesn´t belong to the Assyrian Church of the East, despite previosuly using their moniker. He has been a bishop in the Ancient Church of the East, another Assyrian church polity, but they eventually suspended him, making his "Christ the Good Shepherd Church" an independent group. Of course, this *could* be a case of intra-mural envy between different Assyrian Churches in Australia, but I wouldn´t be surprised if Mari Emmanuel´s aggressive preaching style, political remarks and use of social media made him controversial among the old-timers.

Apparently, Emmanuel also saw Jesus in a vision, and therefore knows exactly how He looks like in bodily form! Also, Jesus showed him heaven and hell, et cetera.

Jolicoeur is often very, very scathing of people he considers spiritual frauds and cheats, and this video is no exception. The proposal that Mar Mari Emmanuel suffers from "Jerusalem Syndrome" is the nicest part of the upload. Also read the comments below the video.

Linked for discussion purposes.  



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