Sunday, May 19, 2024

Oh no, not again


I do realize that many people believe (or want to believe) in the Rapture and similar things, but do the doomsday preachers believe in their own prophecies at this stage? The above clip features a collection of truly absurd "predictions" connected to - you guessed it - the solar eclipse of 2024. Well, we´re still here talking about it, aren´t we?

The speculations are centered on the United States, not on the Middle East, a more logical place for an "apocalypse" to start (both in Biblical terms and in more secular ones). The fact that the path of the eclipse supposedly passes seven towns named Salem and seven towns named Nineveh is very significant. Except that it apparently doesn´t. It seems the eclipse was also visible from towns with names like "Donald" and "Uncle Joe"...

The paths of the eclipse can apparently be patterned in shapes reminescent of various Hebrew and Greek letters, Alpha and Omega being the most prominent. And what did Christ call himself in Revelation? Exactly. The two paths cross in an area of the Midwest popularly known as "Little Egypt"...

The emergence of the cicadas makes a brief guest appearence. I´m still a bit surprised that this isn´t a bigger thing. I mean, the connection between cicadas and locusts, while far fetched biologically, seem obvious and ominous from a "Biblical" perspective. 

As per usual, nothing will happen, and then it´s off to the next failed prediction "until Kingdom come" (pun intended).  



  1. Yes, here in the Midwest USA we will only have one species of cicadas invade, not the dual cycles converging. They are harmless, really just a botheration to the entitled gentry cohabiting the planet. Oh, and when Jesus returns, no one knows, but the Father (maybe Father is on vacation) but when He does, we will know! The amount of delirium we see and hear today cannot be overstated.

  2. The whole thing seems to be some kind of "doom porn", since many of the people into it must have memories of the last failed apocalypse...

    My "favorite" is still the pamphlet that (I think) predicted the end of the world in 2012, still getting positive reviews on Amazon around 2014!


  4. Good one! Still haven't seen any in the city proper but suburbs have. Really a no show *fake hysteria!*
