Sunday, May 19, 2024

The man-eating octopi


This week in weird - are there gigantic fresh-water octopi in man-made lakes in Oklahoma?! Probably not, LOL, but the folklore (or fakelore?) is interesting. 

Many suspect that this cryptid is completely fake, made up for a recent TV "documentary". However, the above YouTube channel managed to trace the story to a 1987 letter to the Fortean magazine INFO Journal. It was written by an American Indian, Russell Bates, and purports to retell a Native tradition about monstrous creatures in Oklahoma´s lakes, creatures never named but similar guessed it, octopi. The YouTuber is too nice to say it, but of course the letter could have been a hoax. Bates was a script-writer associated with "Star Trek"! 

I also find it curious that one of the man-made lakes in which the dangerous octopus supposedly lives is named after another cryptid: Lake Thunderbird.

The video ends with some (perhaps real) cases of regular octopuses found in freshwater, including a seemingly sensational photo. But alas, it´s probably a known species. In other words: some idiot deliberately released an octopus into a river. And here we are, decades later, still talking about it...   

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