Saturday, June 17, 2023

The string theory landscape


Sabine Hossenfelder calls out the pseudo-scientific scientists...again! But also some religious believers. In the first clip, she points out that the "fine tuning argument" isn´t properly scientific, since we (of course) don´t know the probability of the cosmic constants being what they are. 

In the second clip (which I have linked to before), she takes on the speculations about the multiverse, "string theory" and "the many worlds interpretation". And know what? They aren´t scientific either. Hossenfelder also believes that certain scientists (or are they math teachers?) confuse mathematics with reality...

"The many worlds interpretation" is so obviously absurd that it frankly gives science a bad name. Note that Hossenfelder attacks both the religious version of "fine tuning" and the secular attempt to explain away its God-friendly implications by appealing to a multiverse.

Does this hardboiled German mama have any friends at all, I wonder? :D   


  1. Multiversum är en helt obevisad teori,, men helt absurd är den inte. Erik R

  2. Håller med. Hossenfelders poäng är att teorier som är obevisbara inte är vetenskapliga. Eller åtminstone obevisbara så vitt vi vet...
