Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Beaver bombing

Credit: Steve 

 This is...wild. 

The secret movement bringing back Europe´s wildlife


  1. Blir nästan sugen på att göra nägot liknande. Bor i ett område som nog skulle funka för bävrar. Tycker bävrar är sympatiska. Å andra sidan har jag ingen aning om eventuella negativa konsekvenser för övrigt djurliv här.

  2. Great article, thanks for posting. I had no idea Europe and the UK especially had beaver bombers! Of course pros and cons exist, but humanity isn't doing enough to preserve the natural conditions we grew up with. Our planet 4.5 billion years old, the current covering of organic life is since the last Ice Age(?) or 2 Ice Ages? My point, the Earth will recondition itself at any random point the physical reality of our solar system and the Universe(s) allows. Isn't it hubris to say "I want Nature to be the way I'd like it to be?" As things are going, I would not be surprised if we Nuke ourselves out of all these petty squabbles, hopefully after I'm long gone. Oh and the sound of the cuckoo!


  3. Wonder how the world looked like when these were around: giant beavers!



  4. Me too! I read and recommend The Eternal Frontier by Tim Flannery though it's about the North American Continent. Would you believe camels were native to North America? And horses? Once the Bering Land Bridge closed or submerged again many species were lost.
