Friday, October 21, 2022

The search for "monotheism" in ancient Egypt


Got new respect for the Egyptians after watching him,,,,

Ancient Egyptian religion is often portrayed as a self-contradictory jumble of bizarre and zoomorphic gods, the “highest” accomplishment of the primitive Hamitic mind. *Of course* lofty and elevated systems of philosophy such as Platonism can´t have anything in common with Egyptian religion, and blah blah.

In reality, Egyptian religion was probably like Hinduism: a lot of pretty weird stuff (I mean, green frog gods, plz come on) combined with something that does indeed sound like Platonism or Hermeticism. Or even Christianity!

So Atum, Shu and Tefnut were One and became Three. Shu is the Logos that emerges from Atum, becomes “the divine breath” and creates the world. Then, Shu becomes Osiris (a humanoid deity). Sounds almost like, I don´t know, the Trinity, the Holy Ghost and the Word who became flesh...

A polytheist form of paganism with the usual underlying pantheism and some monotheistic tendencies. Such is the diagnosis.

Where is the closest Egyptian temple so I can pay my respects to Lord Shu? Darn, they have been closed for thousands of years. OK, I suppose I have to go to a High Church church, then! 

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