Friday, October 28, 2022

Oil is an animal


Even Thomas Sheridan, our favorite insane conspiracy guy, admits that his speculations in this YouTube clip may be just a tiny bit "out there"...

Summary: Oil is a living creature that is possessing climate activists as a way to stay alive and avoid being killed by over-exploitation.  


  1. Testing something.

  2. Ha ha! As if the climate activists needed something to posses them to act crazy. If fosils fules werent a thing they would lash out at some other "current thing" the elites of the world handed to them.
    I dont know i ibelieve in oossesion but Greta sure look possesed. I want to see a new sequel to "The exorcist" with Greta as the possesed child.

  3. Max Von Sydiw as a very old and frail but very experieced exorcist takes on his hardesr case ever. Greta calls him an filthy old white CIS-male and puke oil over him..
    After a long and hard battle the noble priest realise he cant bannish the oil dem8n to hell.

  4. His olny way to save Greta is to let the demon posses him instead. In the last scene we see a very old, almost dead priest gluing himself to some invaluable artwork, blabbering incoherrently about white CIS-males heating up the climate.

  5. An old excorcist colleague of him shows uo nd try to exercise the oil demon but Von Sydow dies of a heart atrack in the process.
    In the next scen

  6. In the next scene Von Sydow is canonised as patreon Saint of the climate.
