Thursday, October 27, 2022

It just came here to feed


It just came here to feed...

Sheridan sits in almost complete darkness, discussing certain demonological aspects of the current crisis. 

Linked for discussion purposes only. 


  1. I really like his takes on covid but i think hes is on thin ice about John Campbell "NLP:ing" his audience for whatever reasons.
    That way of talking and the body language is what we in swedish call "pedagogisk yrkesskada".
    Lots of people who have been teachers their whole careers are like that They simply cant turn off talking like teachers, even in the most private conversations.
    Aftet retiiring from teaching medicine at universities, Campbell spent his days tutoring medicine students for free on YT.
    Ive seen some of those clips and he talks in the same way there..
    No suprise hes talking in the same way when lecturing the public on covid.

  2. Sheridan warns oeople to not "blabber" with or about people because of the "Khoronozonic influense".
    I suppose that influece is really strong when he blabbers about like that himself about Camobell in the same clip.

  3. Yes, his attack on Campbell was a bit...untactical.
