"The Mountain Yogi" is a documentary about a small Buddhist village in Kinnaur, a district of Himachal Pradesh, a state in India. The Kinnauris speak a language closely related to Tibetan, and their form of Buddhism is the same as in Tibet (Vajrayana).
The documentary is slow paced, but worth watching for its stunning natural scenery alone. The main character is a Buddhist lama who spent years in solitary retreat. The villagers eventually convince him to come out of his cave and tour the district in order to bless the ordinary people. The lama turns out to speak pretty good English when interviewed by the film-makers!
I get the impression that his family is (relatively speaking) well to do, at least for a village in the Himalayas. They own a store and a large house. The family is polyandrous, with two brothers sharing the same wife.
I´m not sure if "The Mountain Yogi" will give you the right spiritual vibes - probably not, since the lama seems pretty mundane all things considered - but it could be of some interest if anthropology is your thing. Or extreme tourism.
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