Friday, February 1, 2019

We should have let the Russians finish the job...

...but since we didn´t, and since Karzai or whatever his name is, fucked up as well, POTUS Donald J Trump has no other choice than to make a peace agreement with the Taliban. Leftists and liberals who oppose this are welcome to field their own troops to Afghanistan in the form of an International Brigade...

Babrak Karmal, undoubtedly the greatest Afghan who ever lived


  1. Can the Spartacist League help with this, I wonder?

  2. Taliban, Suliban, same thing, different time-lines...

  3. Taliban = lost tribe of Israel? Can Israeli far right aid Trump in this?


    Perhaps Michael Moore can lead the International Brigade, since he actually attacks Bush "from the right" here, tacictly demanding more troops to Afghanistan. Naah, I must have misunderstood some subtle irony...

  5. Give the Russians Afghanistan so we can keep Venezuela. Deal? :-O

  6. Is the Spartacist League still opposed to open borders? They must love Salvini Salvatore or whatever the new Duce of Rome is called. Also just in: The Spartacist League demands the indpendence of West Papua from Indonesia. From "interpenetrated peoples" to defence of cannibal self-determination, wow, that´s a yuge step right there.

  7. Next week: the International Bolshevik (or was it "Boshevik") Tendency disavows the Sparts, go full badass, demand Australian-Kiwi ANNEXATION of West Papua, immidiate socialization of wild honeybees and sago horticulture as part of process of permanent revolution, and revolutionary war (including napalm) against any remaining cannibals and cargo cultists, spewing 100+ based Marx-Engels quotations in the process. HA HA HA.
