Friday, July 27, 2018

From Imhotep to Akhenaten

This is a review of Molefi Kete Asante´s "The Egyptian Philosophers: Ancient African Voices from Imhotep to Akhenaten". I´m no longer sure about the conclusions I draw in this review, and repost it here mostly to create some discussion. It´s possible that the ancient Egyptians did have a philosophy, more specifically an early version of Hermetism. Of course, we can discuss whether or not it should be called "philosophy" or something else entirely! A more important question, though, is: Was it true?

Ancient Egypt was an essentially African high culture with an advanced architecture (it's difficult to deny!) and, arguably, a working knowledge of mathematics, geometry, astronomy, etc. It also had curious quasi-matriarchal traits, making it a more gender equal society than those of the Greeks or Semites. It's obvious that Egypt played an important role in the culture of the East Mediterranean during the Bronze Age, a culture that might have been relatively cosmopolitan. So far, I tend to agree with the Afro-centrists (and perhaps even with the "pyramidiots").

But did the ancient Egyptians really invent philosophy? And were the Greeks in some sense influenced by this African philosophy? Afro-centrist author Molefi Kete Asante tries to prove that the answer to both questions is "yes".

He fails.

Of course, "philosophy" can be defined in different ways. Nothing stops Asante from defining philosophy so broadly that it includes the superstitious-magical incantations of Imhotep and Amenhotep, the conventional moral advice of a host of lesser known Egyptian scribes, or the purported revelations from the sun-god to Pharaoh Akhenaten. However, in what sense is this similar to *Greek* philosophy of the Classical period? There is absolutely no similarity at all!

Asante tries to both have his cake and eat it. Sometimes, the author seems to support the standard Afro-centrist claim that Greek philosophy was simply an outgrowth of Egyptian ditto, and he mentions James' "Stolen Legacy" in the reference section. At other times, Asante admits that Greek and Egyptian thinking were indeed very different, and instead writes that the Egyptian version was better. We can discuss whether or not the Egyptian way of life was better or worse than the Athenian, Spartan or Macedonian, but if "philosophy" is used in its standard sense, the Egyptians weren't particularly good philosophers. This is strikingly revealed in the chapter on Imhotep. Apparently, Pharaoh Djoser once asked Imhotep about the origin of the Nile, since the river had failed to inundate the adjacent fields, causing a severe famine. Imhotep, who according to Asante was a scientist and virtual paragon of reason, consulted the sacred books and then informed his ruler about "hidden things" (never specified), at which Djoser wrote to the Nubian ruler and asked for advice about which god to supplicate in order to put the Nile to order! After appeasing a divine character named Khnum, the god appeared to Djoser in a dream and promised that the Nile would soon rise again...

This is philosophy?

If Asante believes in magic, or considers the "social harmony" and "respect for elders" typical of ancient Egyptian moral advice to be better than Ionian natural philosophy or the pesky questioning of Socrates, so be it. But let's at least be honest and don't call it "philosophy" - since that word implies at least a family resemblance to specifically Greek philosophy.

I don't rule out that some Greek philosophers might have been influenced by foreign sources. Pythagoras and Plato are the usual suspects, and during a much later period, Plotinus (who actually was Egyptian). But note that these philosophers were the most "religious" or "spiritual" ones, suggesting that their sources of inspiration might have been non-philosophical. If they studied in Egypt, they would have studied knowledge derived from religious traditions, not "philosophy" in the Greek sense. Most other Greek philosophers were secular, a way of reasoning they couldn't have picked up in Egyptian temple schools. Thales might have learned all kinds of interesting things in Egypt, but natural philosophy wouldn't have been one of them. Note also that the Platonists attempted to reason their way to knowledge, rather than simply rely on tradition or revelation. In this, they didn't resemble their (possible) alien mentors, but rather acted like the other Greek philosophers.

I must also say that "The Egyptian Philosophers" is very badly edited, and often comes across as the work of a dilettante, rather than that of a professor at a major university. It also raises questions about the religious views of its author, who frequently sounds New Age-inspired.

On balance, I'd say that philosophy was a positive innovation in human history. That it was developed by the Greeks doesn't detract from its importance. I mean, should we reject rational reasoning just because it comes from some xenophobic White boys in an East Mediterranean backwater? ;-)

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