Sunday, July 29, 2018

Archeo-Futurism is Neo-Nazism

Over 50 Neo-Nazis, pardon, Archeo-Futurists, voted non-helpful to this little text, originally published as a review on Amazon. Since Amazon recently purged me for writing "biased" reviews (LOL), I assume all future reviews of Faye´s book will be posted by unbiased Nazis. Well, good luck with that, Bezos!

Guillaume Faye is a defector from the French "New Right" of Alan de Benoist. Faye calls his even newer right Archeo-Futurism. In reality, there is nothing particularly new about it. Archeo-Futurism is simply Nazism. It's all in there: White racial unity, Islam rather than America is the main enemy, dreams of a European superpower from the Atlantic to the Russian Far East, a militant and nihilistic "revolutionary" organization, the ridiculous combination of "Green" traditionalism and high technology, a protektorat over the Third World (implied in Faye's little novella at the end), coloured people living in huts while White people have fast trains...

Faye has apparently grown tired of the rather idiosyncratic positions of the New Right, with its strange "right-wing multiculturalism", Islamophilia, anti-Americanism, overt paganism and generally intellectual orientation. Faye wants to orient himself to the Front National (FN), the main far-right political party in France, and change colours accordingly. The average FN voter doesn't understand De Benoist's curious positions. They probably won't understand Faye's, either. But perhaps he can recruit some muscle and rent-a-crowd from the FN periphery? Violent anti-immigrant skinheads, perhaps?

Another telling similarity between Faye and Hitler is his quip that you shouldn't tell people that you are a pagan, you should just *be* a pagan. That, of course, was Hitler's policy: pass yourself off as Catholic to win the Christian right-wing vote, while really being high on Wagner, Nietzsche or even murkier sources.

Faye wants Russia to become part of the Neuropa he envisions. It's not clear why the Russians would accept the Führerschaft of a Germanophile Frenchman with Vichy tattooed all across his face. In reality, Faye would have to subdue ungrateful Ivan with a new Operation Barbarossa.

That, too, would look very much like Nazism, wouldn't it?

Archeo-Futurism is Neo-Nazism. The point has hereby been proven, and we can move on to other and more pressing concerns...

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