Sunday, July 29, 2018

The truth at last?

"Glimpses of eternity" is Dr. Raymond Moody's latest book. In it, Moody describes a paranormal or supernatural phenomenon which he calls Shared-Death Experience. It's essentially a Near-Death Experience shared by more than one person.

According to Moody, the people standing around the deathbed of a loved one sometimes have the same near-death experience as the dying person. They even participate in the "life review" of the departed person. Sometimes, information about the dead person not previously known to the relatives is disclosed and later found to be accurate.

Moody clearly believes in the reality of these experiences. Indeed, he considers them to be the smoking gun evidence for the immortality of the soul. If more than one person experiences the same supernatural event, what other evidence do we want?

Of course, sceptics will frown and use their usual arguments: "it's all anecdotal evidence", "it could be folie á deux", "it can't be replicated in a laboratory".


And then, perhaps not.

Personally, I don't claim to know whether humans have an immortal soul and where it goes after death, if we really have one. However, I respect Moody for being a fearless seeker, who boldly go where the "anecdotal evidence" seem to be pointing.

"Glimpses of eternity" might be the most sensational book yet by Dr. Raymond Moody. Purely anecdotal evidence? Or the truth at last? Read it and make up your own mind.

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