Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Yuri Buchenko Brigade

When I was an avid Amazon reviewer, I loved to made fun of the Spartacist League and other small sectarian leftist groups. I actually *do* own a copy of "The Spartacist League and the Strategy of Abstentionist Putschism". I mean, you knew that already, right?

The Spartacist League is a small but notorious American left-wing organization, with co-thinkers in a few other nations. Amazon carries a surprisingly wide assortment of Spartacist pamphlets, but they seem to have missed most of the classic "Hate Trotskyism, Hate the Spartacist League" series.

For reasons best known to themselves, the Spartacists actually reprint hostile, anti-Spartacist polemics and sell them, presumably without giving royalties to the original writers. It seems these little gems of intra-Trotskyist spite and spittle are no longer readily available. Who wouldn't want to own a copy of "The Spartacist League and the Strategy of Abstentionist Putschism", dutifully penned by the Communist Internationalist Group, otherwise unknown? Or the first issue of the magazine "1917", published by the Bolshevik Tendency? Or roadkill Tim Wolforth's "What is Spartacist?".

Ah, those were the days. :D

I presume the pamphlet on this product page is the one published by the Spartacist League of Britain (SL/B), reprinting two anti-Spartacist tracts by the Irish Workers Group (IWG), the Irish co-thinkers of Workers Power. Not to be outdone, the SL/B has also appended some articles from their weird magazine Workers Hammer, exposing a couple of scandals stumbled into by the Workers Power group. (On this particular issue, the Sparts do have a point: I mean, Miller and Buchenko were obviously fascist.)

Overall, however, I must say that this particular screed is rather boring compared to how these guys - and their hateful opponents - usually sound like!

Only two (red) stars for this publication, comrades.

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