Sunday, July 29, 2018

The inner journey

Obviously, I had to troll Robert Zubrin´s cornucopian mission-to-Mars fan club, so I posted this on Amazon back in 2011. And yes, the down votes kept coming... :D

As His Holiness A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupadha has pointed out, nobody can go to Mars except devotees of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). The author of this book cannot go. That's simply a fact. One cannot reach other planets without spiritual preparation. Robert Zubrin and the Mars Society might whine about it for as long as they care, but they lack the inner qualifications. They'll never reach Mars.

Nor have we been to the Moon. The Moon landing was a hoax, perpetrated by the New York Post in association with Hollywood, Bollywood, Nittywood and one "Buzz" Aldrin (actually a nephew of recently deposed Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi). Swami Prabhupada exposed the Moon landing hoax already in 1968, over the objections of faint-hearted gurus and assorted hippies and libertarian "space cadets".

Yeah, you can whine about this too, Mr. Zubrin, but the facts remain. Lord Krishna stopped humanity from reaching the Moon.

Besides, what on Earth (pun intended) do we want to do on Mars anyway? Let's all go down in lotus position at the shores of Goa, smoke some hash, and meditate like crazy to the sound of the Great AUM. Then we'll eventually reach Mars, but beyond that, we'll find the Atman, not to mention the groves where the Lord plays his transcendental flute and dances with Radha and the cow-herd girls. Really, who needs Mars anyway? It's just a big, red rock suspended in a vacuum.

The inner journey is clearly more important.

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