Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Ava spelled backwards


These memes are breaking X right now. No idea what they mean and no inclination of finding out. They are called "Wifejak" and "Daughterjak", respectively. Whatever. 


  1. So I did find out. TL/DR: there is an intra-mural Alt Right flame war (partially ironic?) about these memes right now, with Nick Fuentes melting down about them (un-ironically?). Ooookay...

  2. Funtes right now: "How did the online Right go from gamergate and incelcore to white knighting for a lesbian wojak from reddit."

    In other words, how did they go from being useless in one way to being useless in a different way? An op, maybe? LOL. But Fuentes thinks the old MK Ultra psy-op was more funny! Which I suppose is true, in a way...

  3. I´m no Nazi, alrightie, but there *is* a reason why Hitler purged his own counter-cultural fringe first of all...

    An American Hitler would purge the Alt Right and their "incelcore" on day one. Or at the very least, the night of long knives!
