The origins of Santa Claus turns out to be even more staggering than expected. Yes, the figure Americans call Santa Claus or "Santa" is indeed based on the 4th century Christian bishop from Asia Minor, Saint Nicholas. We knew that already. What I bet you didn´t know is that the saint took over many functions previously associated with the Greek god Poseidon, including many of the god´s shrines! Weirdly, there is even a tradition according to which Nicholas´ family was connected to this pagan cult.
When the cult of Saint Nicholas spread to the Slavs, the saintly figure was conflated with the old Slav god of wealth and cattle, but also with the Devil. Some of the stories surrounding Nicholas (or should we call him Old Nick?) are downright blood curdling. This curious conflation of Saint Nicholas and Satan later gave rise to the equally strange notion that Nicholas would appear on his feast day (December 6) together with both an angel and a devil. Note also that the devil-like figure Krampus is celebrated the night before Saint Nicholas Day.
When some enterprising 19th century artist created the modern Santa Claus by incorporating certain elements from the Norse god Odin, he clearly knew exactly what he was doing!
Don´t tell the Jehovah´s Witnesses, they will become even more certain than before that Christmas is demonic...
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