Friday, March 7, 2025

Multipolärt inbördeskrig


Multipolär världsordning. Allegori. 

Tobias Hübinette försöker hålla redan på turbulensen inom euro-hård-högern. Observera att han fortfarande kallar slovakiska Smer för högerparti, när det egentligen är ett vänsterpopulistiskt dito. Dock intressant i övrigt!

Förvirring och inbördeskrig inom den europeiska radikalhögern


  1. OT:
    Sheridans senaste om Borderline-störning både på individ och gruppnivå som förklaring till etablissemangets allt mer hysteriska agerande var riktigt bra.

  2. Trump, Vance and Musk are racist, pure and simple. So is the far right.
    Don't kid yourself.

  3. Especially Vance. His marriage to an Indian woman is obviously some kind of racist humiliation ritual.
    But seriously, what did you think about Sheridans Borderline-theory. I liked it. An interesting way of turning psychology into sociology.

  4. You mean the Bolloxology post? The whole episode would make a great movie. Part I: Life between two storms in northwestern Republic of Ireland (Sligo). Trees uprooted, smashed into his house (slate roof is expensive to repair!) back door blocked, and his neighbor apparently had trees from Sheridan's property do damage to theirs also, so a lawsuit follows as Sheridan waits for what money his insurance will allow. In the midst of storm #2 he has a medical emergency, tramps valiantly through blizzard conditions to find a signal so he can call emergency responders and makes it to the hospital where he is treated, though there is no electric power.

    Part II: Trump's inaugural ceremony reminds him of "powerful classicism" as if it is Caesar taking the throne, cheered on by the "normal" people of the far right. Which is the lead in to the rant:
    1) The only defence against Arab jihad are the Slavs, the last hope of Europe against infiltration.
    2) The EU wants to kill off the Slavs and allow the infiltration (?-he loses me here somewhat) to
    3) return Europe to medieval standards of overlords and serfdom so the elite class will have endless free labor.
    4) So here we are, and the Anglo-Irish are cowards.
    5) Thanks for all your support and play the ads to the end so youtube generates some income for me (and fix my srorm torn property.)
    I'm not a political scientist by any metric, but I don't see how support for Ukraine (Slavs) becomes sacrificing Slavs to stop the Jihadist invasion, which the elite powers want, so to rule the peasantry.
    Anyway, Sheridan looks like a cheery leprechaun you might meet at the Pub.
    But Hugge, I'm open to hear more of your interpretations! Honestly.

  5. It was this clip about BPD i was thinking about:

  6. Hugge,

    I haven´t seen the entire borderline episode yet, but I noted in the beginning that he was expelled from some internet forum by a member of the Socialist Workers Party, which may explain his animus to that particular group. Also, that a wealthy homosexual turned the forum (about psychopathy) into a cult.

  7. But i i kind of liked the other clip you described as well even if im unsure about the motives of the west European establishments slavophobia and their welcoming of islam.
    About Sheridans personal problems i dont care that much but i have been in a somewhat similar situation with insurance companies and damaged property etc. And things were a bit tense before it all was sorted out and both parties knew they would be compensated.
    Seems like a rather mundane potential neighbour quarel he described.

  8. OK I watched about all the borderline episode I could stand! Will finish later. He started a forum which was taken over by a wealthy American homosexual who likes Winnie the Pooh bcause he doen't wear pants? Apparently all borderline psychotics are women? His examples, which even mental health experts won't treat, are women who will try to trap you and launch false abuse lawsuits against you! he talking from personal experience? But Wow! Hey, he's just here to help out...
    The western democracies are borderline psychotic...good to know Tommy me Boy! Is Sweden considered to be in the West? Or just European, or does Scandanavia get its own Badge of Honor?
    I'd like to hear his views on Trump, or better yet have them sit down together and see who is the nuttier of the two.
    It all reminds me of the classic book Games People Play by Dr. Eric Berne. "Now I've Got You You Sonofabitch!" Or "Let's You and Him Fight!" And "Rapo" Very enteretaining.
