Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Based autocracy


A certain Samo Burja roots for "based autocracy" and gets a response from Richard Spencer, formerly known as the most dangerous Nazi in AmeriKKKa, now the bête noire of the Alt Right. Tie-in to our discussion on the demographic crisis, et cetera. 

Samo Burja

>>>As far as I can tell, the most notable political science results of the 21st century is democracy cannot work well with low fertility rates. All converge on prioritizing retirees over workers and immigrants over citizens escalating social transfers beyond sustainability.

Richard Spencer

>>>Russia and China have lower TFRs than America and even lower than White America. (Burja seems to acknowledge this in an attached tweet, referencing “low fertility autocracies.”) He is apparently sticking to his claim, from 2022, that “Russia can win modern wars,” even as the opposite has been demonstrated in the Ukraine war. I sense a lot of wishful thinking about the rise of “based autocracies.”

>>>But to the contrary, these societies are experiencing the same degeneration as the West, in many cases at a faster pace. “Putinism,” to the extent that it exists, is a dying society. It is not a real alternative to the decadent West, which, I agree, is decadent.

Original Xweet

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