Friday, March 14, 2025

The dance of god


Some crazy shit from Richard Carrier´s blog. Makes me wonder if Shaivism or Buddhism could be true?! The dance of God...or just samsara as per usual? 

>>>This universe is 99.99999 percent composed of lethal radiation-filled vacuum, and 99.99999 percent of all the material in the universe comprises stars and black holes on which nothing can ever live, and 99.99999 percent of all other material in the universe (all planets, moons, clouds, asteroids) is barren of life or even outright inhospitable to life. In other words, the universe we observe is extraordinarily inhospitable to life. Even what tiny inconsequential bits of it are at all hospitable are extremely inefficient at producing life—at all, but far more so intelligent life. 

>>>One way or another, a universe perfectly designed for life would easily, readily, and abundantly produce and sustain life. Most of the contents of that universe would be conducive to life or benefit life. Yet that’s not what we see. Instead, almost the entire universe is lethal to life—in fact, if we put all the lethal vacuum of outer space swamped with deadly radiation into an area the size of a house, you would never find the comparably microscopic speck of area that sustains life (it would literally be smaller than a single proton). 

>>>It’s exceedingly difficult to imagine a universe less conducive to life than that—indeed, that’s about as close to being completely incapable of producing life as any random universe can be expected to be, other than of course being completely incapable of producing life.

20 Questions


  1. So everything that exists, hostile as it is, exists to support the freak of nature we call "life on Earth" and even that "life" is dog eat dog, or humanity's constant state of warfare. It truly does seem bizarre such life exists at all. If not a dance maybe God just rolled over in bed and went back to sleep.

    1. The commentary that follows is notable also. From June 2012.

  2. Let´s hope we´re just stuck here temporarily!

  3. Two good comments here:

    jamessweet on June 5, 2012 at 4:49 am

    Alex on June 6, 2012 at 7:31 pm

  4. His entire commentary section was more lively 15 years ago. Now, you usually have to pay a fee to be able to comment at all.
