Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Awaiting our redemption

My man Formscapes covers a lot of ground in this one hour-long video (which is actually quite short for this content-creator). In fact, it´s very difficult to review or even summarize this material! Think Jung, a somewhat idiosyncratic Christianity, side glances to Rupert Sheldrake, and a whiff of Romantic primitivism…but no overt references to Whitehead this time.

Life and intelligence are qualitatively different from mere physical matter, but nevertheless intertwined with it, the cosmos having a dark dimension marked by death. Somehow, we have to confront this Shadow, integrate it, and thereby achieve a (non-metaphorical?) redemption in which matter is spiritualized. One aspect of this is to embrace life even in its present non-redeemed form. Organisms live in a quasi-conscious balance with each other and the surrounding environment, the purpose of life hence not being to simply replicate and devour. Malthusianism and “survival of the fittest” is a projection of capitalism onto the natural world.

Neo-Darwinism and materialism lead straight to Ray Kurzweil´s trans-humanism and the glorification of AI and other machines. This is really a bizarre death cult. Kurzweil´s dream of an artificially recreated version of his father is a demonic inversion of Christianity: “God may be dead, but we can resurrect Him”. Formscapes even implies that such an AI may be a literal evil spirit (an “archon”). In the same way, a zombie is a kind of inversion of a truly resurrected human.

The content-creator speculates about a “fall” of humanity around the time of the Neolithic revolution, and also associates it with the abandonment of matriarchal goddess-worship. The nurturing mother becomes the devouring demon Lilith as humans see themselves as betrayed by the Goddess (representing Nature or the Earth). This primordial “fall” has affected all humans ever since. The exact nature of our redemption is never spelled out, but it´s implied that it might be dealt with more fully in future videos…   


  1. Abandoning the matriach sounds a lot like blaming Eve for all our troubles, eh?

  2. Yes, and then they turn Eve into Lilith. Could be something to that psychology!
