So the Swedish government has sent out a small pamphlet titled "Om krisen eller kriget kommer" (In the case of crisis or war), containing information about what to do if the shit really hits the fan. For instance, where to find shelter in case of a bomb attack. It states that the risk of a military attack on Sweden has increased and even contains a paragraph on nuclear strikes.
Scary, right?
Well, maybe to some people, but hear me out, fam! I´m old enough to remember when Swedish phone directories contained a section titled "Om kriget kommer" (In case of war) with detailed instructions on evacuation routes for civilians, exactly where to gather while waiting for the buses, and so on. I believe "my" neighborhood was supposed to be evacuated to some small town near the Norwegian border. Which just shows you who the Swedish military assumed would be the attacker (hint: not NATO).
So no, I´m not particularly scared or even surprised. Feels like homecoming. The only thing I miss are the evacuation plans. I mean, are we supposed to just shelter in place???
That last sentence makes the nostalgia less pleasant. But i felt very nostalgic when i saw the pamphlet.
ReplyDelete"Shelter in place". The updates are extreme weather and pandemics. Not nostalgic at all, indeed.
ReplyDeleteJag fick broschyren men har förlagt den. Men jag missar nog inget viktigt. Den broschyr jag fick förra gången innehöll i alla fall två rena nonsenspåståenden. Det konstigaste var "varje meddelande om att mobiliseringen ska avbrytas är falskt. " Även om krigsfaran upphört?
ReplyDeleteMen det andra var inte mycket bättre. "Varje meddelandet om att motståndet ska upphöra är falskt". Låt oss anta att en kärnvapenmakt angriper oss och säger "om ni inte kapitulerar kommer vi att smälla av så många vätebomber att hela landet kommer att bli förintat". I så fall hoppas jag att militärledningen struntar i sina egna broschyrer...
ReplyDeleteÄr ju en gammal formulering...
ReplyDeleteAs my old Godfather told me "In case of nuclear attack, best to just walk outside and wait for vaporization!" Yass indeedy!
ReplyDeleteThe good news is Google translate has added 110 new languages!
DeleteWhen I was in elementary school we were taught to hide under our desks, and even practiced same. Remember, don't look directly at the blast!