Monday, October 5, 2020

The Anthropocene is a joke

The link below goes to a very interesting and, I think, true article published in The Atlantic last year. It argues that the concept of the Anthropocene is a big joke, and then explains how deep "deep time" actually is. Indeed, it's possible that our entire modern civilization will be (almost) invisible in the geological record of the distant future - even if we do screw up the climate. Reminds me of some of John Michael Greer's essays. As a side note, any religion that can't accomodate deep time probably isn't true...

The arrogance of the Anthropocene


  1. Thank god the Buddha transmitted 84,000 dharmas to all classes of sentient beings, that means I don't have to worry about the liberation of highly evolved penguins 50 million years in the future...

  2. Off topic. Om "Estonia" visar sig vara en mörkläggning...

    ...så kommer jag att tappa *allt* förtroende för det politiska etablissemanget.

    Och jag anser mig vara rätt så "kritisk" till det mesta.

  3. Inga dykningar tillåtna, regeringens U-sväng i frågan, förslaget att hela vraket skulle täckas med cement, de ständiga bråken med Estland...
