Sunday, October 25, 2020

Lies the Alt Right tells itself, or why there won't be a civil war in the US any time soon

"Multi-ethnic states inevitably disintegrate unless they are authoritarian ". No, they don't. Look at Brazil, where a White minority with Jewish hangers-on lords over an impoverished colored majority in perfectly democratic fashion. No civil war yet. This is the future of America.

"The right is armed, the left isn't". Leftists can arm themselves just as much as rightists, something proven by the recent riots. So can Blacks and Hispanics. Ever heard of the Black Panther Party? Or the CRIPs and the Bloods?

"But the military will support the patriot militias". No, they won't. They will support the federal government. So will the FBI. The political sympathies within the military are about evenly split between GOP and the Democrats. Many soldiers are Black and Hispanic.

"But we are better trained than they are". No, you're not, as made obvious by militia standoffs for the past 35 years or so. Remember, you're not fighting trans-people from the local community college in a civil war!

"When the Anglo-Saxons start to hate". 70% of all brave Saxons seem to be fat, obese or dead by corona, so until you start hating your self-destructive food habits, naah, probably not.

"It only takes three percent to take on the government". Obviously proven by Baader Meinhof. I'm being ironic.

"The overwhelming majority of Whites will support us". LOL. Why aren't they supporting you *already*, I wonder? The privileged White middle class that benefits from globalization will *never* support you.

If history is any guide, the majority might just as well suffer in silence and accept the new normal. There have been many reasons to start a "civil war" the past 100 years or so, yet no civil war in sight...

Chances are high the same thing will happen if Biden and Harris succesfully steals the elections. You are more likely to be muted on Twitter, purged by Facebook and forced to wear a mask while cruising to the nearest fast food place, than becoming some kind of revolutionary hero... 


  1. The Chad Mail-in Voter versus the Virgin Proud Boy.

  2. The Chad Ballot Harvester versus the Virgin Civil War LARP-er.

  3. The Chad Hindu Creole versus the Virgin Anglo-Saxon.

  4. The Chad Social Media censor versus the Virgin Twitter troll.

  5. When the Mexicans start to hate.

  6. The Chad Biden operative versus the Virgin Gamergater.

  7. The Chad Pride March versus the Virgin Proud Boys.

  8. The Chad Queer Feminist versus the Virgin COVID corpse.

  9. I see you want out just 10 days before the elections...

  10. The Chad Russiagater versus the Virgin QAnon true believer.

  11. The Chad anon versus the Virgin blogger

  12. "Chances are high the same thing will happen if Biden and Harris succesfully steals the elections." Varför anamma the alt rights terminologi? Biden/Harris har definitivt en chans att vinna utan att fuska.

  13. För att trolla dem ännu hårdare, såklart.
