Friday, October 30, 2020

Seize the moment, this is the time, defeat the clique, uphold the gang, all-around, advance on the road, blah blah

Bob Avakian without the beard

The zany and grossly misnamed Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP) recently endorsed Joe Biden for president, thereby completing their long march from the petty bourgeois swamp of impotent Maoid protest politics to the even more tepid *bourgeois* wasteland of the Democratic Party, although by a route more circuitious and, some would argue, downright bizarre than the other purveyors of Stalinist popular frontism (Amiri Baraka, Mike Klonsky, et al). As we wrote back in 1982...


OK, seriously. 

I'm old enough to remember when the RCP were ultraleft Maoists, upheld the Gang of Four, supported Sendero Luminoso in Peru, and had a peculiar personality cult of their leader, Chairman Bob Avakian. 

The personality cult is still part of the picture, in fact, it has gotten much worse the past 15 years or so, with the RCP now claiming that Avakian is better than Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao! Avakian's "New Communism" is really a warmed over combo of Maoism and 60's New Leftism. But while the New Left at least supported anti-war Democrat Eugene McCarthy, Avakian has jumped the shark and now calls on the few people who give a damn to vote...Joe Biden! 

The arguments are the usual combination of campus left histrionics and hypocritical lesser evilism which has become the official worldview of the "mainstream media" and their corporate backers, somewhat ironically making hysterical far left groups sound surprisingly in tune with their times...and with the "liberal" wing of the "imperialist" establishment these groups are fully integrated with anyway. Indeed, it wouldn't surprise me if brother Avakian will soon get a generous monetary contribution from Soros or Buffet, but perhaps the Revcoms have too few followers on Facebook to really move the needle in the battleground states? 

The actual arguments of Avakian are frankly absurd, but then, so is the MSM agitation for Uncle Joe. Thus, the RCP claims that the Trump administration is a "fascist regime". If so, it must be the strangest fascist regime in world history, even allowing a democratic election with an alternative candidate. Last time I looked, Avakian himself was still at large, while Twitter and Facebook were censoring the Fuhrer's propaganda! Oh, and half the country seems to be controlled by the opposition party, which allows the likes of Antifa to run amuck with near impunity. 

That the RCP (of course) don't believe their own rhetoric is made painfully obvious by the fact that their Chairman explicitly calls for "non-violent" protests against the "Trump-Pence regime". Why would a literally fascist regime allow such protests? If the RCP had really believed that the current US admin is fascist, their calls for non-violent mass protests would really be a form of adventurism, setting the masses up for a massacre. 

The RCP accused the Bush-Cheney regime of being fascist, too, yet "the Leader of the Revolution" didn't call on the masses to vote for John Kerry.

In sum, this is simply another agit-prop publicity stunt somewhere on the margins of the latest BLM march... 

Link (includes links to earlier articles):

This is the situation, these are the stakes


  1. Inte helt off topic - jag har nyss svarat på din kommentar på min blogg. Och visar där att jag i denna situation kanske skulle göra som RCP om jag bodde i USA...

  2. PS. När jag skulle rätta ett absurt fel, råkade jag radera det, så det finns inte där just nu.

  3. Just det, jag såg det nämligen inte...

  4. Nu är en ny version av den utlagd.

  5. För kännedom


  7. Pyrrhusseger är felstavat, och författaren känner inte till orden "trasproletariat" och "bussning". Yes, I'm a grammatik-nazist.

    Annars många intressanta poänger, men analogin till Frankrike 1848 känns väldigt konstlad. Varför måste man alls göra analogier? Står inte den populistiska vågen på egna ben?
